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siVous êtes susceptible d'être banni (rapport de minet f2p qui vous voit et qui est jaloux)
Voici les raisons pour lesquelles blizzard peut ne pas aimer:
J'ai déjà pratiqué cette astuce: je pourrais facilement détruire tout le monde ...
Imaginez comment la tempête de neige réagira quand elle apprendra que le minet détruit le fabuleux moteur économique "des races alliées" de son expansion. En testant ces personnages, les joueurs après avoir été détruits par un minet diront que les races alliées sont mauvaises (ils doivent trouver une excuse aha) donc il penserait à BFA que c'est une mauvaise extension et que ces actions de minet auraient alors une forte influence. influence sur toute l'extension. (C’est la raison pour laquelle, à l’origine, ils faisaient des files d’attentes séparées
Les bans peuvent être 3 jours. Ou 6 mois (comme un exploit / glitch / bot)
donc je voulais juste vous avertir: utilisez-le à vos risques et périls: soyez au moins discret même si ça peut être amusant de 10v1 noobs![]()
dont speak germandespacito
It's funny until you realise he's being serious, then it's just sad.Dunno if this is more sad than funny
I also wonder if this is true..Wasn't it said somewhere that doing this was bannable too?
Currently i am not able to que on my level 19 xp off twinks, says starter edition accounts cant que.. But if i turn xp on i can. Odd...
Is this true? I cant play my xp off twinks without a sub? So only vet or ftp?cant play 19s for free, homie
Only vet or f2p without a sub, this is correct.Is this true? I cant play my xp off twinks without a sub? So only vet or ftp?
Do you think its worth leveling up a couple of my 19's to vets? I have a gf'd mage with AGM/inferno robe that is pretty geared. Would much change in terms of gear? Will i be at a severe dis advantage?Only vet or f2p without a sub, this is correct.
Do you think its worth leveling up a couple of my 19's to vets? I have a gf'd mage with AGM/inferno robe that is pretty geared. Would much change in terms of gear? Will i be at a severe dis advantage?
Edit: just wanted to add that i really do want to keep playing and i do like the ques at 20 so far for vets.
I will tell you how to properly queue for BG, beeing a Twink of any bracket @ patch 8.1.5..
1st make sure your character has golds it will cost you 20g / BG. Why 20? cause you will unlock and relock your XP 10g x2
1- Create a macro called /click StaticPopup1Button1 and add it to your main bar (remember you can have several not to move your spells with the arrows at the right of it). I usually put my macro to button &(1st spell).
2- Get to your faction XP NPC, talk to him and UNLOCK XP. Slack here at all times unless your bracket has a long queue.
3- Queue BG with XP UNLOCKED ( you will see the proper queue for your bracket)
4- While queueing, keep NPC window OPENED after selectionning his dialog. Should be a popup window " Would you like to relock XP for 10Gs".
5- Once BG pops you must click ENTER BG and press "your keybind macro" PRETTY MUCH AT THE SAME TIME. Make it like in PvP click to target then press "your keybind" to instakill.
6- You should be entering BG AFTER HAVING HEARD THE SOUND OF GOLDS SUCH AS FOR LOOTS OR QUESTS REWARDS. If not it means it hasnt work and you should leave BG not to lvl up (regarding on your XP ofc).
This still works on 03-25-2019 ,there is also a macro once Inside an instance to check your XP status: Disabled or Enabled.
Because TWUNKS NEVA DIE you shall all enjoy ye times in game.
Sincerely Yours.
I wont be able to get enchants if i have not prepared right? Cant mail it seems.