<EU> Twinkinfo Stunt, (This is EU (DK) madness!)

It whould be cool if many twinkinfo users whould try make enought dks to get some 59 locked xp WsG.Like 10 dk v 10 dk just to test out like a stunt.

It only take like ~2h to level a dk to 59.

Just some things to disscust, first of; Is this something someone wanna try? (I know I whould wanna try it)

date, battlegroup/realm, other surggestions?
Wow. This actually sounds pretty cool.

Too bad I'm US, but good luck.
Nothing stop anyone (oh well, I not gonna try stop anyone atleast) from trying to make it happend on US :)
I liek out side the box thinking... even though 10´dks sounds disguting hehe...

@ Touye who is that Ovation the Hallowed? :eek:
Touye said:
Aww :(

But yea ;) Count me in, if I can get online when you guys are

I am so gonna change your sig!
Best whould be if all was able to start on same server, easyest to know if we got enought people online (, then we also could get <Twinkinfo Allaince> and <Twinkinfo Horde> under our names :p )

Like Alonsus or Anachronos cuase the risk of people already having a dk there is smaller than on Blackout Battlegroup.
Ey <.< That name is chosen because when i first moved Ovacatz someone was called it, so i renamed to Ovation, and also because I'm a huge fan of Ovations playstyle in PvP mkay <.<
Hey :)

I'd be sooo up for this since it'd be alot of fun!

I'd suggest for server Turalyon, its not a pvp server which means we could set up various XvX in world pvp environment WITHOUT being killed by randoms on the opposite faction (unless they know where we are when we decide to flag ofc). Also ive checked the AH etc. and the economy seems to be ok, which means roll a herber/skinner or whatever and making money to fund enchants wouldn't be an issue. Its also on cyclone battlegroup which afaik has a few other 59 twinks around too, so we'd get them into BGs on occasion.

On a side note, it took me just under 2hrs to get to 59, so yes its very fast :)
Lol if it is RP, then we can't XvX in world PvP??

Doesn't it has to be PvP, if you wan't to nuke each other outside BG's??
Batgnom said:
Lol if it is RP, then we can't XvX in world PvP??

Doesn't it has to be PvP, if you wan't to nuke each other outside BG's??

1) Turalyon is normal NOT RP

2) No it doesnt have to be PvP.... you just flag PvP
since this idea seems to be moving slowly on twinkinfo alone, i have posted the thread on all bg forums in an attempt to get this going.
Etiquette said:
Hey :)

I'd be sooo up for this since it'd be alot of fun!

I'd suggest for server Turalyon, its not a pvp server which means we could set up various XvX in world pvp environment WITHOUT being killed by randoms on the opposite faction (unless they know where we are when we decide to flag ofc). Also ive checked the AH etc. and the economy seems to be ok, which means roll a herber/skinner or whatever and making money to fund enchants wouldn't be an issue. Its also on cyclone battlegroup which afaik has a few other 59 twinks around too, so we'd get them into BGs on occasion.

On a side note, it took me just under 2hrs to get to 59, so yes its very fast :)
If you gonna make a outdoor pvp event it dosent matter if your on a PvP or PvE server.

Otherwise I was not thinking that you needed to twink out the dk, just start it out and play some bg's one day against rest of the twinkinfo community, have fun.
Lets agree on no enchants/other than starting gear soo it wont take soo long time making a dk.
Touye said:
Ey <.< That name is chosen because when i first moved Ovacatz someone was called it, so i renamed to Ovation, and also because I'm a huge fan of Ovations playstyle in PvP mkay <.<

cool!.. I liek the sound of Ovation the Hollowed :D

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