(EU) Realid Queuers


The Highlander
Very often am i seeing people not grouping with their mates on realid in eu.
Only reason i can think of for this is lack of community spirit.
The main problem on eu is we need a role model who can lead us all to victory and organise groups.
Even my dear old friend hiphopatus can do it, so i'm sure you can too!

Have you ever wanted to win at bgs?
I sure have!
People need to group with their mates on realid for this to start happening!
However, we need to find a way of people getting other peoples realid.
Over 3 or 4 people are needed for groups to make a difference in bgs.
Perhaps if people log other servers and get people they like playing with's realid we can get the ball rolling!
Anyone who wants my realid can pm me here or come to aggramar eu and get it :)
The main point im getting at here is that i would like people to start grouping for more competetive games.
Uncompetitve games suck so we should start making them competetive.
So maybe soon we can start these realid queues!

French can queue on realid so why cant we?
Overall people need to group to overcome premades or hunter farmings.
Really we need a leader.

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I'll try and get some going, got a few nice tinks on realid already and I would be more than happy to have more! Please if you have any interest to que with some quality tinks, leave a PM me here with your realID, or /whisper Mesikämmen on Draenor horde EU! Lets reck those midfarmers :p
Very happy that you guys are coming around to this so easily :)
Our community spirit is already increasing!
The people in this thread are all friendly and i'm sure we can all get some groups going :D
Every good game we get the better bracket will get!

However i think that maybe if we start doing this too much
It might start discouraging those people with no friends not to queue.
Perhaps we can try to make those people with no friends into good people who it will be nice to be friends with!
How we can actually do this I don't know :p
Our community spirit will pull us through though :)
People will gradually become more nice...
And bgs will become more enjoyable!
The bracket as a whole will get better!
Understanding one another is also much easier to do if you are firends with a person.
So people will be able to start predicting their friends next move and not rely on bg chat all the time.

Feel like this could really make a big difference.
Or even a small difference, though any difference can be good!
Really we need a leader!!!!

Unaturaly I agree with above poster.
Now im not saying that you should always real id que however it does create competition.
Because of the ammount of 900 hp shamans u lose.
And it creates and exciting environment.
Nice twinks are usualy the only ones getting in those games.

Now we should take a step at a time.
In any circumstance we know the bracket will prevail.
Competition is always good and it must continue.
Our community will make it!
Zebras will tell the world about our struggles!
Yielding is not an option!
i rarely grp q on ally side cause horde teams stop queuing after 1 loss

with the exception of boa/khoma/spam/sasha
you really fell in love with the french guys from our guild eh?! and gz 1337 posts
All real Id did for the us is let the idiot pug stompers group up and queue into the weaker team the switch factions and do it again once they face opposition.
PM me with all your real ids, when ever i'm online i make 5 man premades got some real ids already! One thing i don't want is GY farming so if you like that don't pm me.
I'm 24 Prot FC Paladin BiS. I do some Gnomeregan runs weekly also.
I'm fairly weak from also being a bit hungover but I would spoon you till the end of the earth chill.
Baldi is my hero!

OT: Yea, I truly agree with this! The french needs to stop queing with 4 hunters 4 rogues 2 palas and gy-farm tho :)

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