EU F2P (level 20) Designated server


Its time that a designated EU F2P server was chosen. Currently there are many a EU server with very decent twink players, so in order to enjoy playing i feel one server ally and horde needs to be specified.

So to get the ball rolling I nominate AGGRAMAR (EU normal, medium) one of the only, if not the only servers EU wise that i know use the F2P addon for chat (see http://www.twinkinfo...addons-for-f2p/ for addon download). In order to expand this community its vital you have the addon, thus enabling chat to all 20's online. I know that AP is the US designated server, however there is no EU AP community on that one, therefore may as well start with the existing one on Aggramar.

This server has a community of a few dedicated players i.e Kraud, celem marybloody who use the chat system and there's a nice friendly atmosphere. There is one or two P2P people, for grouping and organizing premades and hopefully arena matches. Currently I believe that there is only a community on the horde side, consisting of approximately 10 players. Please post your ideas for alternate servers, or even better roll a new toon on this server, currently all classes needed and both factions.

When in game please talk to us (need to level to 3 before chat is enabled) and say if you found the server via this thread, Look forward to seeing a few more people online.

Add your character names here on the thread and ill try add them to mine. My characters at the bottom

Much appreciated

Freeheals (tauren priest) / wannaheal (tauren shaman)
Its time that a designated EU F2P server was chosen. Currently there are many a EU server with very decent twink players, so in order to enjoy playing i feel one server ally and horde needs to be specified.

So to get the ball rolling I nominate AGGRAMAR (EU normal, medium) one of the only, if not the only servers EU wise that i know use the F2P addon for chat (see http://www.twinkinfo...addons-for-f2p/ for addon download). In order to expand this community its vital you have the addon, thus enabling chat to all 20's online. I know that AP is the US designated server, however there is no EU AP community on that one, therefore may as well start with the existing one on Aggramar.

This server has a community of a few dedicated players i.e Kraud, celem marybloody who use the chat system and there's a nice friendly atmosphere. There is one or two P2P people, for grouping and organizing premades and hopefully arena matches. Currently I believe that there is only a community on the horde side, consisting of approximately 10 players. Please post your ideas for alternate servers, or even better roll a new toon on this server, currently all classes needed and both factions.

When in game please talk to us (need to level to 3 before chat is enabled) and say if you found the server via this thread, Look forward to seeing a few more people online.

Much appreciated

Freeheals (tauren priest) / wannaheal (tauren shaman)

Nice going Connovear1! Created mage and pala there now. Might even just transfer my chars there instead to save time
Blizzard should introduce multi-character transfer discount!
Nice going Connovear1! Created mage and pala there now. Might even just transfer my chars there instead to save time
Blizzard should introduce multi-character transfer discount!

Didnt he say f2p o_O and when u mean you will move ya chars is that the 4x lvl 24s o_O or am i just... confused?
Didnt he say f2p o_O and when u mean you will move ya chars is that the 4x lvl 24s o_O or am i just... confused?

Well you are not confused. I might transfer one of my 80s so farming dungeons for items goes faster if I decide to make a lvl 20-24 on that server.
I mean when he says f2p. I guess he means 20s on free 2 play acc, not a lvl 24 to "Ruin their bracket" even tho i do have 24s my self
I mean when he says f2p. I guess he means 20s on free 2 play acc, not a lvl 24 to "Ruin their bracket" even tho i do have 24s my self

That is perhaps what he mean, Dont know what else to say. Actually dont know what your point is either
I would recommend a low pop pvp server, 'cause wpvp is fun and it would make agms a tad easier. I know there are a few twinks on Burning Steppes EU, so I nominate that server.
Same Score Different Day, active 19 twink guild on aggramar will support you f2p's in getting into groups and such. Hope this helps with getting an active server going ^^
Same Score Different Day, active 19 twink guild on aggramar will support you f2p's in getting into groups and such. Hope this helps with getting an active server going ^^

Thank's for this that's very kind of you
Just thought I'd bump this thread.(couldn't find any other about this server).

Aggramar has got a really good number of HORDE f2p's now. It's fun there with quite a number of players to meet. Premades are quite often and arenas are occasional (not exactly sure about arenas, haven't been there for that long). There are players on almost all day long and numbers go relatively high, compared to most servers on EU.

I'd suggest making a Horde here. I tried Alliance but Twisting Nether has much more.
I'm playing f2p on the US atm, but I will begin to leave a char logged in with the addons on a P2P account on aggramar - I have ALOT of 19 twinks there. So you guys can begin to group up :)
It has been the general consensus for a while that if you're ally EU, Wildhammer is the place to be because it's the home of Ftp, the best f2p warrior around, and if you're horde EU, Aggramar is best. That works fine and there's really no need to change anything. Just promote those two for EU players.

Yes! :D
It has been the general consensus for a while that if you're ally EU, Twisting Nether is the place to be, and if you're horde EU, Aggramar is best. That works fine and there's really no need to change anything. Just promote those two for EU players.
Maybe I didn't express myself quite as I wanted to. New people will not be able to divine the general consensus, I suggested editing the OP to reflect that Aggramar is for Horde and how the community is at the moment.

This is how I linked it in the sticky:
Other large EU communities:
Join Twisting Nether EU! by pixie (Alliance)
Aggramar EU by connavear1 (Horde)
Don't worry you expressed yourself fine. I was responding to the OP more than anything, since his suggestion isn't optimal for alliance players when the TN ally community is so strong.
Oh, good, that confused me. :) I agree completely. ^^

Maybe someone playing on Aggramar Horde should just make a new recruitment thread introducing the community? Things like community size, are there P2Ps grouping for premades, are arenas going on, etc.

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