[EU] Cross-realm Sunwell run?


So, because there seems to be a lack of serious PvE guilds around, and I really want to do some Sunwell with 70s only I'm trying to set up this.

Going to go with ~20 people the first time, but hope we can take it with 10 people once we found some skilled and perfect geared people.
This is not a boosting service, so please only reply if you're interested in downing it for the challenge - I'm not reserving gear or bringing anyone who starts drama over loot.
Time and date is not set yet, right now I'm only looking to see if there's enough people to even make it possible.

Alliance side.
Full PvE gear, minimum 154 ilvl equipped.
Flasks and food to last the raid.
Knowledge of the fights, I don't want to wipe because you didn't know how to reset stacks on twins.
A mind to complete the instance, we may wipe a few times.
Time to complete the instance, clearing it takes time with 70s.

Feel free to reply here if you want my real-id (I spend a lot of time in D3 at the moment so hard to catch me online on my twink) or simply ask questions here.

I'll regularly update this post with the people who we have so far.

Tetarius@Ravencrest - Tetarius @ Ravencrest - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Tereca@Defias Brotherhood - Tereca @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Poo@Darkspear - Poo @ Darkspear - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Queineah@Defias Brotherhood - Queineah @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Thouríc@Aerie Peak - Thouríc @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Damage Dealers:
Caladhar@Defias Brotherhood - Caladhar @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Broblade@Sylvanas - Broblade @ Sylvanas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Unholypower@Silvermoon - Unholypower @ Silvermoon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Bravefart@Frostmane - Bravefart @ Frostmane - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Laj@Silvermoon - Laj @ Silvermoon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

--- Extras ---
Lizîî @ Defias Brotherhood, mage

Thank you all for a successful raids so far!
Next raid is thursday the 5th 20:00!
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Hi Caladar.
I am interested in this. I have a done a successful 10man Sunwell with Boro & Co. on the Horde side as a healer. Two healed it as a matter of fact.
I will faction change asap because to be frank, there isn't much activity on Horde Side anymore.
I know tactics and come prepared with my own food/flasks and pots. I can also make feasts if needed.

I also play D3 a lot seeing there isn't a lot of pve at 70 these days, but that could change!

But if you want my Real ID just message me and I will get in contact with you, we could maybe team up on D3 aswell :p
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I'd be interested in joining in if I have time, although would look forward to perhaps one day doing is in full TBC gems and enchants only.

L70 Arcane Mage Unholypower

I used to guild lead / raid lead the L70 raiding guild <Acquired Taste> back during WOTLK if you remember them at all. I was also briefly in your old guild on Silvermoon since that is my home realm.

I used to know the Sunwell strats very well and actually did the first 3 bosses during TBC, and then of course cleared it all again with Acquired Taste a few months later.

Acquired Taste vs. Kil'Jaeden [Sunwell Plateau] - YouTube
Acquired Taste vs. M'uru [Sunwell Plateau] - YouTube
Acquired Taste vs. Kalecgos [Sunwell Plateau] Guilds First - YouTube

Will look over some of the strats again. Feel free to PM me your realID details.
List updated again - Thanks all you guys for the interest in the project, I'm aiming for 15 people for our first raid.

Full BiS tank or (almost) BiS boomkin reporting in!
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Still don't see my name up there. Scrub!

Sorry about that, I'll fix it ^^

Starting to have enough people, but I'd like to go with 15 for our first raid - It seems we mostly need dps now, but considering the date and time hasn't been set there might be someone who cannot attend, so I'll still write on people as "extras" for the other roles.
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I can come on my DK. I have pretty much every piece of gear (including grandfathered items), so I can play as every spec. Also have all consumables, including Insane Strength Potion etc.
I can come on my DK. I have pretty much every piece of gear (including grandfathered items), so I can play as every spec. Also have all consumables, including Insane Strength Potion etc.

Sounds great, we mostly need dps at the moment, but would be handy if you prepared a tanking offspec just in case - I'll need an armory link from you :)
Also, I'll start PM'ing people my real ID so they can add me.
I have added a doodle to see if we can gather a raid for thursday, that's in 2 days people. vote which raidtime suits you best also.

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