Wow that was awesome to watch. I've only seen the Ally side video so far but it was very interesting to see how the game played out.
I just want to preface some comments by saying that it saddens me to see the game devolve to Druid on a cart so quickly and continuously. But regardless of overall strategy and tactics, I saw a lot of clutch and pro mechanics from individual players. It was a treat to watch well matched twinks duking it out!
When it comes to overall WSG tactics I was disappointed, just being real. Both teams played extremely predictable and Horde leveraged their Druid cart advantage into a win. Personally, I don't think it's honorable to crutch on terrain like that, but to each their own. If that's the game you're in there are still things that can be done do to nullify that advantage, so here's a few time tested strategies for scrim situations that I didn't see in that game at all.
The most obvious one is to turtle up, disrupt H defense by forcing them to send more offense. Depending on the combination of defenders it can hugely improve your chances of a return if you go from 4d/6o to 6d/4o or even more to force a change. On the other side of that equation is the fact that Ally clearly needed more defense, considering how effective H return squad was (the Warrior helped).
That would be the patient route, Ally can also move as a 10 man towards H base with the flag, providing cover for offensive units to run to, and then rotate a skeleton defense squad back home once you've got offense organized and formed up close to the enemy base. This gives offense the best chance of hitting the enemy in sync but obviously is risky in terms of getting the skeleton squad back to the cap. If they have more people waiting to ambush the flag than expected it can lead to a return, but usually if that's the case your team should also return it. It might take a few tries to get it right.
Those are two extremely effective ways to break gridlock situations, and I would hope to see them employed in future matches! Also to offer an alternative to cart sitting, I would suggest teams build up defense on the roof, rotating to GY when pressured.
Thanks for posting the footage!