[EU] Another Hunter rant...



^^ this is ridiculous...

6 hunters in total.
Prepare for another ally hunter as soon as i get some moneh!

But in all fairness in these despreate times with barely any arena + wsg i wouldnt moan as much about 6 hunters.

All of those hunters are only an issue if you come within their line of sight then its TUNNEL VISION GOGGLES ACITVATED. But if you Q with a good FC + half at LEAST 2-3 people willing to try it would be an easy win.

A Druid can easily out run hunters who themselves have some dps on them forcing them to hug hawk/monkey and allowing the druid/ pala/warr to gain some ground.

You could also play another twink which is anti hunter (not dmg wise). I myself have been assflogged by 4-5 horde hunters. Log my mage and LoS poly frost spam ( have about 3-5 minutes of fraps of kiting hunters / rogues).

All i can say is keep up a stiff upper lip and do some arena :)
hordes been haveing 4-6 hunters in wsgs as well , not only alliance , got some screen shot lieing around .

however yes , it is really anoying and fustruateing , but not alot to do about it , you could /afk , if you think its to much

which i do at times cause its really not fun or enjoy able to play with that manny hunters.

seems like who ever has the most hunters = win .

just wait for cata and the focus change will mean their dmg whilst kiting will be far lower. their dmg whilst tunneling higher but then you can just deadzone them. =) fun times. also enha shaman is going to be sick as fuck so poor hunters will know how it feels to get raped since at 19 they will be so anti-huntard! x
stonebound said:
just wait for cata and the focus change will mean their dmg whilst kiting will be far lower. their dmg whilst tunneling higher but then you can just deadzone them. =) fun times. also enha shaman is going to be sick as fuck so poor hunters will know how it feels to get raped since at 19 they will be so anti-huntard! x

I foresee the rise of Aimed Shot/Steady Shot spamming Hunters with pocket Holydins to keep them up so they can practically ignore the melee pounding on them relentlessly as they keep a steady stream of high damage attacks on anything that happens to step into range.

"What the hell is that huntard doing not running away from the rogue?"

"He's tunneling on our FC"

"And the Holydin? over there where he can't help the rest of his team?"

"Tunneling on the Huntard"
stonebound said:
just wait for cata and the focus change will mean their dmg whilst kiting will be far lower. their dmg whilst tunneling higher but then you can just deadzone them. =) fun times. also enha shaman is going to be sick as fuck so poor hunters will know how it feels to get raped since at 19 they will be so anti-huntard! x


I hope they have more focus issues at 19 :( (It's that mad on every video I can find)
That vid has made my mate very happy, all he has done is qq about the changes they are proposing (he plays end game not 19) all i can do is hope the dmg is just shy of 1 shotting me and il be happy. goblins with the jump may be an issue though!
a lot of hunters(at least EU) rerolled horde as well, and though i HATE it when they are stacked, some hunters actually earn my respect, but most of the time, i blame them for being a useless midfield farmer (who the hell uses a sprint pot to catch up with me to get a HK while im MILES away from any point of interest??)

a lot of those midfield farmers actually do gte the chance to kill a FC just cuz they pass by, its extremely lame, but hell whats the point? i think hunters and rogues are the only classes that are getting judged on a huge skillcap, a healing class fro example is most often always welcome but a backpedaling, "aspect of the daze" using hunter should be pushed to AFK out by its own team really, only if there is many of them, they are no use for the team at all and as long as we let them know that (by shouting at them after a 15 misn GY farm for example) they might actually all reroll or quit twinking in bits
Little respect for any1 who rolls the most op class and easy to play in the bracket on the most powerful faction, must be a skilled player to warrant that.

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