[EU-Alliance] Crossrealm raid on Tempest Keep!


After our successful sunwell run I wanted to make another raid as soon as possible - So we'll be raiding Tempest Keep sunday at 20:00

A few things to note:
- I need at least 10 people and we'll be clearing the entire instance.
- 2 tanks 2 healers and the rest dps
- I'll allow a maximum of 15-20 people in the raid at a time to make it still give just a hint of a challenge.
- You must be alliance, lvl70 and have PvE gear.

I expect people to show up with a positive and mature attitude.. I don't want to hear whine about loot, even if the mount drops. Nothing will be reserved and we'll run with need before greed.
Write your charname and role here, preferrably with a link to your armory and a real-id, alternatively you can PM me your real id if you don't want it public. Without a real-id exchanged at some point you won't be able to join.

Asriel / Caladhar

Good to finally see an alliance side version of this, im very interested, bis healbot here

Ozizplash @ Sylvanas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

I've cleared Sunwell 10 man on my rogue Rianoriz aswell.

I have almost bis shadow gear too, lackin 2-3 items

copied from ur sunwell one, never saw a reply, im interested in theese kind of raids, but sadly saved for TK this week, add my real ID for futher talks, ill PM it

Good to finally see an alliance side version of this, im very interested, bis healbot here

Ozizplash @ Sylvanas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

I've cleared Sunwell 10 man on my rogue Rianoriz aswell.

I have almost bis shadow gear too, lackin 2-3 items

copied from ur sunwell one, never saw a reply, im interested in theese kind of raids, but sadly saved for TK this week, add my real ID for futher talks, ill PM it

Added to friendlist, thank you for your interest :)
We're about 5 atm

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