EU - 60 twink - Looking to recruit someone (RaF)

Ye, so, title says pretty much it all. Few details that you may dislike but it needs to be said.

I'm looking for someone to do RaF with on Trollbane (EU). My account(I'm recruiting), your recruit. Goal would be to build a '60 twink' or Vanilla character. The realm have 2 active guilds level 60 (Enigmatic & The Classic Templars). Enigmatic I would most likely join since I know people in that. I'm sure you'd be welcome as well! ;) <- Unknown status atm.

For cataclysm, it's going to be across BGroup BGs, so it won't matter (I hope).

I got then next 17 days (Until 5th next month) to do leveling (prefer skype, chatting and such while doing it. Find that more enjoyable). Then I'm unfortunately off for 5 weeks, 2 the weeks being vacation. But I'm back strong to resume the project around 10-12 of august, where I got another 2-3 weeks of no school for leveling etc.

I expect to spend at least a few hours a day, if not more, leveling this character up as fast as possible, so we can start engaging the end-game instances for items.

Cataclysm hits around November, late November to the best of my knowledge. That leaves us with 2-2½ months to do it in.

Interested? Want more info? Feel free to PM me.

Note: This thread is not for trolling or making comments that aren't associated with the topic, and these will be deleted without warning.

Best regards,

Wish I'd seen this thread earlier, I started my vanilla twink 3 days ago, almost lvl 56 ...

Does your realm have a big vanilla following as i'm going to be looking for a new home as Outland EU is very WotLK orientated, maybe we can team up for the BC trial gear grind?
Detroit said:
Wish I'd seen this thread earlier, I started my vanilla twink 3 days ago, almost lvl 56 ...

Does your realm have a big vanilla following as i'm going to be looking for a new home as Outland EU is very WotLK orientated, maybe we can team up for the BC trial gear grind?

We still have Enigma, but their activity is questionable at best. I just did /who, and they had 8 people online. 6x 60s.

I'm looking for someone to recruit for RaFing to 60. Not to play with at 60, but thanks for replying :)
Just thought I would add some things you should mention:

Since you are recruiting, would you pay or would we pay for the initial 20$?

Are you also factoring the extra 25$ we would have to pay to transfer the main account.

Much luck,

Twinkytoes said:
Just thought I would add some things you should mention:

Since you are recruiting, would you pay or would we pay for the initial 20$?

Are you also factoring the extra 25$ we would have to pay to transfer the main account.

Much luck,


Not sure what you're getting at.

I recruit an account and we level steadily to 60 while VTing / Skyping. Shouldn't be that complicated :)
Im really intrested, although i'd appreciate if i could avoid purchasing an other acc since i recently got myself a vanilla account. if thats fine for u, ill be spending as much time as u want me to spend on it until we reach lvl 60. thus i'll have to FC my char (as i supose u re aiming at teh ally faction) and xfere it. unfortunately i dont have a mic, might consider geting one tho.

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