[EU - 39] - what about a short term league ? Ideas before getting to it.

Intentalo said:
The only reason you're saying why you want to forbid this item it's because only Tolli has it. If we all had this mount, there wouldn't be any problem on using it. So you're saying that an item that we can all get should be forbidden if only a few people have it. This reminds me to Pendulum of Doom. Only 1-2 people in this bracket have it, should we forbid it too? No, because it's an extremly rare weapon and if you could get one, /clap, that's all, enjoy it.

Is it an advantadge? Yes, of course, but PoD is an advantadge too. There is no reason why you could use PoD and not this mount.

Edit: Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger - Thottbot: World of Warcraft

I agree with this man ! Try not to be too butthurt that u cant afford that mount (or like me I just don't see my twink mount being worth almost 100k, so therefore I refuse to buy one.)

That being said, maybe I should get one :O

Edit: I am pretty sure that Ret/Hunter or Priest/Hunter could win. Or perhaps a certain Priest/Lock combo could do it too ;)

Then again, of course the old standard Rogue/Priest or Priest/X comps will be strong.
Intentalo said:
The only reason you're saying why you want to forbid this item it's because only Tolli has it. If we all had this mount, there wouldn't be any problem on using it. So you're saying that an item that we can all get should be forbidden if only a few people have it. This reminds me to Pendulum of Doom. Only 1-2 people in this bracket have it, should we forbid it too? No, because it's an extremly rare weapon and if you could get one, /clap, that's all, enjoy it.

Is it an advantadge? Yes, of course, but PoD is an advantadge too. There is no reason why you could use PoD and not this mount.

Edit: Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger - Thottbot: World of Warcraft

PoD doesn't give you better position, and PoD won't allow you to be already on your opponents 2.5 seconds after the arena started. It's really not the same issue.

It's true though, that if other people had the 100% mount, there wouldn't be a debate.

I really feel that using the 100% mount wouldn't be fair. But in the end, how can I be so sure ? I was never in an arena where the opponent had it. Just saw it in BGs until these last days (and though it gives real advantage in BGs, it didn't bother me)

I spoke to several people, and honestly, people for or against are 50/50 (i repeat, i don't like the idea of fighting against the only guy who has that mount, specially since i'm a good mage and he's a good hunter :p).

Decision is hard to make, but what the heck, we have to make one. So i suggest : we try the first league allowing everything (including the mount :/ ), we see how it goes. If it's really unfair, we just change the rules for the next one. I know half of the people won't be happy about that suggestion (and maybe some of you out there will even decide not to play, but that would be sad).

Let's do this League as if it was a "beta-test" :) (I remember times in WoW when Diminishing Returns didn't exist, when the Insigna trinkets weren't the same for all classes, when we could change our gear in combat ... - all of this sounds so unfair today, but back then, players still did nice PvP).

I suggest we try it this way, so if it's really unfair, even Tolli should notice it and maybe decide by himself not to use it for a next game or league. And in the end, if it doesn't give the advantage that half of us think it will give, at least we'll manage to get a league going.

What do you think ?

In less than 24hours i'd like the Rules and registrations thread to be online on this forum. It will give us two weeks to make our teams. (I think games will be on sundays AND mondays as a basis - since some of you can't play during the week-end and some can't during "working days", if some can't play on the pre-fixed date, we'll just postpone the games to a day where people is available).

and about the winning comp : I really like teams with healing shams / X, maybe Healsham/hunter. Also Healpal/Lock , or Cøwa/X :p !
You overvalue this mount. It's only an advantadge the first 5-10 seconds, then can be just compared to other mounts. Maybe a race for those "eyes"? Hmm... you have to be at the same distance to it but far enough one for each other to make it impossible to enter the other in combat. Not so usual. And even the first advantadge can't be always used. For example, he's going to play hunt/rog, so he'll have to wait for rogue to sap someone, he can't rush in always or they will lose that sap. Aside from that, are you comparing an advantadge of about 5-10 yards to the best 2H weapon in the bracket? You probably will only use mount the firsts 10 seconds, but you can use PoD as long as you're in combat.

It could look like i'm an stubborn man that even with good arguments against him, he'll defend it to death. But i'm not (i think), it's just that i can't see any real argument against that mount. Am i blind? Maybe, just tell me a reason why someone can use PoD and not that mount. Apart from that, Tolli is a skilled player that likes to play competitive arenas. If he sees that his mount it's a real advantadge and using it means winning an arena easily, he won't use it, i'm sure.
Intentalo said:
Apart from that, Tolli is a skilled player that likes to play competitive arenas. If he sees that his mount it's a real advantadge and using it means winning an arena easily, he won't use it, i'm sure.

We should be fine then.

I still think that in Blade's Edge arena it can be a huge advantage.

Anyway. Preparing the thread atm. :)
Registrations thread online !

We still need some officers from : Draenor Horde (Kutty ?) - Burning Blade Horde (Hewett ?) - Azjol'Nerub Alliance (Hmmreally ?) - Twilight's Hammer (?)

Names in "()" are just suggestions, everyone is always welcome to join the organizing team, we can also have other officers from Draenor Alliance (Eloc, Ero, Moon ?) and Al'Akir Horde (Zay, Dirtymachete ?) :)

Posting the link to registration thread on official forums as well.

You can link the thread on every other forum you know (i need someone to post it on french forums as well (wow-twink.com), since i won't have time to translate it - work issues).


ForTheLichKing! said:
Sorry if I might sound like a troll, but a BO3 match is defined by that you only need to win 2 games, so if you have won the first 2, the third one is pointless. Everything else IS NOT BO3.

nuff said.



I specifically asked to have this kind of comments on this thread, and use the other one just for registrations :)

Anyway, i don't want a team that won at least one game to have the same points of a team who didn't even win one, doesn't seem fair to me.
Nicozy said:
If he was a player that rly liked to play competitive arenas I dont see why he could not use the mount just for this tournament? I mean we all know he has it, and he uses it in regular wsg/arena ? The mount can be used in a lot of ways to help get an advantage, not just in the start -.- You would think that a player who rly likes competitive arena would say like ohwell I love my mount and I use it all the fucking time so why not use a 60% like everyone else just for this tournament? I mean I LOVE COMPETITIVE ARENA AS LONG AS I HAVE MY 100% MOUNT YE. As far as other gear missmatches such as POD etc Im all for a discussion about what 2 use and what not 2 use but then there is also the question the guy with pod might not have acces to boas , then he has to enchant another weapon just to be able to compete etc etc Where as a 60% mount costs like 40 silver. To me and this is my opinion, there is a reason why tournament realms come with premade chars and a fixed amount of gear acessable to everyone, then we can discuss the imbalances within that ammount of gear.

Life is not fair, my friend.

But it is a tournament, and its goal is to provide all participants the most fun possible (at least it should), while keeping it as fair as possible, guess why all tournaments have some sort of rules to restrict some ppls OP-ness; and even on 0815 realms arenas have restrictions (like ArenaCDs, no consumeables etx).



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