[EU 39 LEAGUE - Official Ranking and Calendar] First edition

4.0.1 arrived --> No more Skirmish arenas, makes it impossible to go on with the League ...

Maybe next time then.

Thank you all for lending a hand on this project, it started well, probably should have been organized earlier ...

Let's see what happens now for 39s.

Hey Guys !

Here is the list/ranking of Team participating to the world First Twink 39 2v2 League :


Officers : Cøwabungä (Draenor Alliance), Incorrupto (Al'Akir Horde), Scarborough (Burning Blade Horde), Ero (Draenor Alliance)

Officers, please come on IRC every time you log in game. All players will be welcome as well, it'll make things easier :)

IRC : webchat.quakenet.org - Channel: #Blackout39

EDIT : To have a game going, we will need at least one member of each team and an officer on IRC ! :)

Calendar :

Since each team has its days OFF, we won't stick only to Sundays and Mondays to get those games.

The League is divided in 4 parts, each part can be played during a whole week (depending on everyone's availability). Each team will have to play 2 games per week. First week, as an exception, can start on October 3rd.

Rated games will only take place if an Officer is online to validate them. He will gather results informations and transmit info, and i will edit this thread. (New officers are always welcome to join, btw)

We will start on October 3rd and end on October 31st.

First week (October 3rd to 10th)

Quick! To the Batcave! vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

Setup OP vs We rely on WF (3-0)

Omgrunww vs Planeta Platano (3-0)

Shadow Step Falcon Punch vs Muerete Chiquitin (0-3)

Quick! To the Batcave! vs And o Rah (3-0)

Setup OP vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

Omgrunww vs We rely on WF (3-0)

Shadow Step Falcon Punch vs Planeta Platano (2-1)

And o Rah vs Muerete Chiquitin ()

Second week (October 11th to 17th)

Quick! To the Batcave! vs We rely on WF ()

Setup OP vs Planeta Platano ()

Omgrunww vs Muerete Chiquitin (3-0)

Shadow Step Falcon Punch vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

Setup OP vsAnd o Rah ()

Quick! To the Batcave! vs Planeta Platano ()

Omgrunww vs Shadow Step Falcon Punch ()

Muerete Chiquitin vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

And o Rah vs We rely on WF ()

Third week (October 18th to 24th)

Quick! To the Batcave! vs Muerete Chiquitin ()

Setup OP vs Omgrunww ()

Shadow Step Falcon Punch vs We rely on WF ()

Quick! To the Batcave! vs Setup OP ()

Shadow Step Falcon Punch vs And o Rah ()

Planeta Platano vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

Omgrunww vs And o Rah ()

We rely on WF vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

Muerete Chiquitin vs Planeta Platano ()

Fourth week (October 25th to 31st)

Quick! To the Batcave! vs Omgrunww ()

Setup OP vs Shadow Step Falcon Punch ()

Omgrunww vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

And o Rah vs Planeta Platano ()

Muerete Chiquitin vs We rely on WF ()

Quick! To the Batcave! vs Shadow Step Falcon Punch ()

Setup OP vs Muerete Chiquitin ()

And o Rah vs Nerdstomper BBQ ()

Planeta Platano vs We rely on WF ()


What can be useful now :

- Officer's should be online to organize the games. Dates can be chosen in advance for the games. If two teams and an officer are online at the same time, game can be played each day of the week at any hour. If not we can chose a date and an hour to get it.


Feel free to post screenshots, or comments, or advices :)


May you all have fun during the League, and may the best players win :)

PS: i will try to stay online the more i can, i think all officers will.
[EU 39 League - October 2010] Teams :

Team 1 : "Quick! To the Batcave!"

1- Incorrupto (Priest)

2- Ã￾îe (Rogue)

Days OFF : None atm

Team 2 : "Setup OP"

1- Briandeklol (Hunter)

2- Mæy (Warrior)

Days OFF : from monday to friday

Team 3 : "Omgrunww"

1- Zaÿ (Rogue)

2- Tolli (Hunter)

Days OFF : from monday to friday

Team 4 : "Shadow Step Falcon Punch"

1- Cøwabungä (Mage)

2- Cmeloz (Mage)

Days OFF : Cøwabungä totally unavailable from Tuesday to Friday from 14:00 to 01:00

Team 5 : "And o Rah"

1- Dirtymachete (Rogue)

2- Vrooh (Mage)

Days OFF : from monday to friday, preferably playing on sundays.

Team 6 : "Muerete Chiquitin"

1- Kenpâchi (Druid)

2- Pelø (Shaman)

Days OFF : none atm

Team 7 : "Planeta Platano"

1- Uke (Rogue)

2- Orgasmo (Paladin)

Days OFF : preferably playing on week-ends

Team 8 : "We rely on WF"

1- Erá (Mage)

2- Möøn (Shaman)

Days OFF : preferably playing from monday to friday during evening (19-23)

Team 9 : "Nerdstomper BBQ"

1- Kutty (Paladin)

2- Zulraq (Hunter)

3- Fattyspin (Priest)

Days OFF : None atm (since playing on evenings)
It might be a good idea to add all officers email adresses here so that everyone can add you via b.net. Also add info regarding IRC: Adress: webchat.quakenet.org - Channel: #Blackout39

I assume you forgot to add Eloc to your own team aswell Cowa?

PS: I dont mind volunteering as an officer (to get games going and validate results) so if you write down the emails of everyone mine is mattias_elwing@hotmail.com! That is, if you decide to let me be one :)
Hey Ero !

I didn't forget to add Eloc to SSFP, we are gonna play as double mage, since the rules say "one char per player only" (and we already refused to some people the usage of another char).

Thanks a lot for the IRC, I will be there myself every time i log in game, really helpfull (as long as all officers gather there - as well as some players).

You are more than welcome to join the officers :)
Regulate said:
wtb some beastly priest or holydin on Draenor horde so i could enter :(

Unfortunately registrations are over for this league, but if it goes well, you can join the next one :) or who knows, maybe we can find some space if you wanna join with Scar :)
I wonder why nobody named his team iPod u or some kind like that .. well, okay, wont work if you dont have PoDs .. :p

wow, that's a clean interface.

Aye lmao; mine is cluttered! looks a mess; but so used to it now
Shadow Step Falcon Punch vs Planeta Platano

Dident get a screenshot of first game, 0-1





Also good games, Uke and Orgasmo.
That 2nd arena is worthy of rememberance ! (the first SS on Eloc's post)epic duel Eloc vs Uke ! 11mins :)

We won 2-1 in the end.

GZ to SSFP and PP ! :)
Regulate said:
were they both afk in 3rd game?

We avoided sap and went on pally. Some lucky ranged crits, he had to heal himself, CS holy tree, no bubble, bye bye.

Then rogue popped (vs 2 mages ...)

Mortox said:
Blatant wintrade there !:O

Hey Mortox, i'll try to set your games for the next days, me or another "officer" will reach you on skype and see what day is better :)

EDIT : already two other teams whispered me wishing to participate to the next league. So let's make this work, it started well, let's keep it going like that.

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