<EPlC> Lf Alli


<EPlC> Is looking for Alliance to fill our Alliance version of <EPlC>! Why? Simple! Wargames Events, World PvP Events and Challenging Premades! If numbers become large enough we plan on doing a arena tournament and the winners would get a prize off http://www.wowtcgloot.com/ or a large amount of gold! World PvP would be extremely fun becouse we are in a differen't enviroment and instead of geting small amounts of honor for kills in a battleground , you would get 3+ or so. And of coarse WSG and AB premades! Sidenote, we had an idea about doing a 15 VS. 15 AB premade and not capping any flags so the game dousn't end! We could fight untill we all get damage controll and get tons of honor while we are at it! To end it, officers would let everyone know that they can start capping flags when agreed between both factions . <EPlC> is located on the Spirestone - US server! Add me on Real ID if you are interested in making a toon or transfering a toon to Spirestone - US! Deborah.e@cox.net
You guys should farm 20s in the GY more often - I enjoyed solo returning that flag against your 8 man last night
We weren't doing warsongs last night and I don't see a SS with some sort of fact behind it and I would prefer not to Q with someone on a whole differen't becouse we are already Qing with multiple groups on this server.
Oh ur Waterpark! Achieving and I were in a BG against you yesterday! Ur quite good I must say
I only wish you we're in <EPlC> : \ its lonely being the only lock... You should join us!
[font=times new roman,times,serif]EPIC doesn't farm the GY unless we're in a nasty mood. Now we do keep people pinned down at their GY while we run the flag, but we don't sit on the GY all game long until the time runs out at 2/0 or something. We discourage GY farming in the sense of 2/0 and hold flag. If people stop spawning or AFK out, then that means no HK's. That means no honor. We try to get the flag so that way no one else can farm the GY. We're 24 (and know that some people hate it) so we don't drag out the BS any longer than it takes to cap.

EDIT -And BB is correct. We weren't doing WSG last night. We did AB, then Gnomer, some more AB, then a couple more Gnomers before we all shut down for the night.[/font]
I'm probably gonna hold out on joining until i get more money my arena partner and I plan are transfering our toons (5 85s for me 3 for him) to a pvp server so ill probably try to get into the guild next month, or hopefully sooner.
I added you on real ID. Gonna be a little while before I can realm transfer. Wondering if we can group up via real ID and do a bg together.

We are still building towards Te guild, just found someone to gm it. Add me on ID and Ill get on my ally and inv if im not busy
I have a p2p account, with several toons on AP. But I'm looking to get back to playing horde.... Only problem is I can't find my authenticator, so til I get it removed I can't play on my p2p account. Are 20s active here, or am I better off just waiting til I get my account back? I'm experienced in PvP (since vanilla), and have at one point played every class. Thinking about a FC druid or a rogue... Maybe something different, idk, you tell me what you guys need.
You can make an f2p on spirestone and we'll group up, you'll need vent so you can que with us and hear everything. Just do that until you get your p2p account back. And play whatever you want, any class is welcome.
Ok I'll be on lvling something tomorrow. I have vent, mind pointing me in the direction of the vent info, or pm it to me? Just gotta go dig out my mic haha
Got my account back so I'll lvl a few toons to 24 tomorrow

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