EPlC Guild 24 twink recruitment

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20killer said:
Also you guys are good got a website or anyting for recuitment?

was thinking of a website for a 24 guild since i m bit tired of circumventing my ban here

i would much appreciate input from you 20killer.
Why would I kick anyone? Im the gm. I believe alliance side should start some more 24 guilds. Competition would be nice.

Not trying to be rude or sarcastic btw :p
barthilastwink said:
hmm not going to be surprised if gy campers and 24s like you kick everyone(except for your gy camping 24 buddies) out of the guild once guild reaches level 25.

not to mention this discussion on your forum http://eplcguild.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/5785758-guild-poll-twinks-only-?page=last

yeah i'm supposed to believe your 5 man gets 100 HKs and the game lasts 20 minutes because the alliance is fighting in mid. it's more like your 5 man is a bunch of shitty players that can't fight equal leveled/geared players at x9 having to farm trials. maybe next time you can cap a flag. trash guild is still (obviously) trash
Very interested....

What class do you want, can play anything that you need/want. Let me know and I will start working on it tonight.
Cream said:
Very interested....

What class do you want, can play anything that you need/want. Let me know and I will start working on it tonight.

sure thing, any class would be welcome, though we frown upon hunters. play what class you feel comfortable with.

I have a question for you epicpanda.

Since I really didnt see any epeen replies in this thread from you, but your guildy 20killer has been spamming the F2P threads constantly nonstop and even had the nerve to post SS of him GY camping(not that I look down at that specificly) but his armory is this:

Phrastychill @ Spirestone - Game - World of Warcraft

I'm not sure how your policy works in your guild, but in most cases when a GM is trying to recruit people in their guild; they would want their guild members to represent themselves for your guild.

I understand you are trying to recruit, I'd hate to judge one person to represent EVERYONE in your guild; but do you allow/encourage trolling/flaming towards F2Ps to feed your guys ego(not you specifically)

I just want to know what direction you plan on taking towards your guild. I personally have thought about making a 24, maybe a healer or FC, but most of the 24s that I've seen are usually Trolls, Ego-nerds, or just keyboard turning backpeddling clickers. Phrastychill has been on a banhammer streak in the F2P thread and if having him being a member and representing your guild in that kind of way is okay in your books; then personally your guild is what I expected it to be. It just shows how terribad the stereotypical 24 twink is.

But if I am wrong about that and this is news to you, then i apologies ahead of time and I hope you continue to represent 24s in a positive way that does not encourage trolling/flaming either ingame or on these forums. Keep at it if that's the case.

Dont take this as trolling or anything, I just needed to get an honest answer if you were okay with Phrastychill constantly getting banned by the Mods for trolling in F2P threads or/and making flaming threads in F2P threads.
We have talked with Phrasty about these matters and it won't happen again. As for the encouragement of flaming/trolling, no. We certainly do not encourage this but cannot always control what guild members do in the times us officers are not online. So if you'd like to, add me on real-id, mlgcrazy123@live.com, if you have any more concerns about guildies or just want to speak generally about what we do. Thanks.
I really enjoy reading that, I'm glad that there are some serious 24s out there that aren't just a sterotype of what all the other 24s are like. Thank you very much and I'm sure the mods on TI can appreciate it more than I can.

I will add you and I might even try making a decked out 24 FC for ya'll in the near future.

Thanks again<3
Thanks inf, I didnt have time to reply. Im still confused on exactly what was going on. Ill look futher into it.
Yes we are serious when it comes to 24's. We are a mature guild, that knows how to use teamwork to accomplish our goals. I see other half premades who battle us in the bg's, and they havent came close to beating us skill wise. I remember one particular bg where we were fighting upwards of six other 24's. We still three capped them, but it was atleast more fun as a challenge. Thts what we are looking for an even higher challlenge. We want competition, we want to have a hard time, but we just havent found it yet. These traits are also what we are looking for in guildmates.....happy hunting and good luck.
Btw, if anyone was thinking about coming to join our happy family, but didnt have gold to do it...we'll take care of you. Also if you xfer from alliance I strongly suggest coming with BiS gear. The ally side does have better gear pieces that horde cant get.
Mrcer, no problem. If you'd like just hit me up in-game and I'll throw you a guild invite, we are overstocked if you will on hunters, and surprisingly lacking rogues, locks, mages, etc. But if you'd like to make an EFC an add on to what we have, feel free. Hope to see you soon for EPIC battlegrounds! ^_^
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