EPIC v Extended Trial


yo when are you guys gonna get a premade going? looks like you both have the numbers, and it would boost bracket activity a heap
May I ask who you even are Zeras?
Have some patience we have been in preparation trying to find the right people for a little while and we are almost ready
It will be the first pure 24 v 24 in WoW history
as far as I know!
Well its going to be normal premading rules lol
2 rogues, 2 hunters, 2 priests, 1 holy pal, 1 resto sham, prot pal/warr FC, good arc / frost mage

I think it should be All shammys, shammy FC, shammy heals, Shammy dps split between ele and enhance. I mean there is no way of losing
Apply for one of the guilds I know we are both recruiting.

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