EPIC v Extended Trial

I believe its going to be fraped.
That doesnt even make sense, what = great then. Starring them to death wit out lifting a finger? Enjoy the 24 bracket bud,
That doesnt even make sense, what = great then. Starring them to death wit out lifting a finger? Enjoy the 20 bracket bud,

So you cant comprehend that 2 shotting 20's doesnt make you good? Lmao..so lost...It takes a little more than that bud. And I corrected your last sentence for you.
Your trying to hard bud, Cause your jus confusing yourself. So Ima be the bigger man. And again, enjoy the 24 bracket =)
way to talk out of your ass, there's about 3 game changing level 24s. the rest don't have any awareness or mouse movement at all. hence, why i want to see this premade fraps'd, it will be like watching games from 5 years ago when everyone was just as bad and talked the same amount of trash
you guys that don't play in this bracket don't understand just how bad these guys are. the 24 twinks in this 20-24 bracket are collectively the worst set of players i have ever played with in any online game. i cannot overstate just how bad they are. they're literally worse than the free to play 20s, which doesn't make any ******* sense at all, because you would think that the group composed largely of brand-new players would be clearly worse. nope!

i mean we are talking the dumbest of the dumb, the baddest of the bad, all gathered in one Mecca Of Incompetency that is twinking at 24 in a bracket composed entirely of level 20s. i am not exaggerating at all when i say that there are NO good 24s outside of a couple of my IRL friends (that don't really play anymore) and one other guy, Badgamer, a female 24 rogue. literally EVERYONE ELSE is absolutely terrible. it's incredible
way to talk out of your ass, there's about 3 game changing level 24s. the rest don't have any awareness or mouse movement at all. hence, why i want to see this premade fraps'd, it will be like watching games from 5 years ago when everyone was just as bad and talked the same amount of trash

lmao, this is a great analogy....
you guys that don't play in this bracket don't understand just how bad these guys are. the 24 twinks in this 20-24 bracket are collectively the worst set of players i have ever played with in any online game. i cannot overstate just how bad they are. they're literally worse than the free to play 20s, which doesn't make any ******* sense at all, because you would think that the group composed largely of brand-new players would be clearly worse. nope!

i mean we are talking the dumbest of the dumb, the baddest of the bad, all gathered in one Mecca Of Incompetency that is twinking at 24 in a bracket composed entirely of level 20s. i am not exaggerating at all when i say that there are NO good 24s outside of a couple of my IRL friends (that don't really play anymore) and one other guy, Badgamer, a female 24 rogue. literally EVERYONE ELSE is absolutely terrible. it's incredible

Every 24 is bad. Yep you seriously do not play against me. I play Tzontemoc(24 rogue Duskwood) and Mandler(24 priest Spirestone). Sometimes you may catch me on Yim 24 rogue Alliance (i use daggers Rawr).

If i ever get beat it is because the alliance are working as a group and Horde is not working as a group but just circle jerking in Middle expecting 1-3 people to do everything for them. Which consists of about 55% of the games i play.

Why even speak about PuGs it is obvious PuG BGs are nothing more than a joke. Like i was in a PuG against 4 people from Extended Trial we 3 capped them but it was 4 people sure 4 people could carry a team but if the 6 other players are **** then the team loses. Premading is what it is about. I have not heard of a F2p 10v10 (cross server or truly competitive match) other than AP hosting their own Arenas which is cool.

TL;DR: PuGs are a joke. Premading is much more competitive. It is not an individual that makes a team good but a collection of individuals that work together that can make a team good please understand that.
How come all the 24s are bad?
Every 24 is bad. Yep you seriously do not play against me. I play Tzontemoc(24 rogue Duskwood) and Mandler(24 priest Spirestone). Sometimes you may catch me on Yim 24 rogue Alliance (i use daggers Rawr).

If i ever get beat it is because the alliance are working as a group and Horde is not working as a group but just circle jerking in Middle expecting 1-3 people to do everything for them. Which consists of about 55% of the games i play.

Why even speak about PuGs it is obvious PuG BGs are nothing more than a joke. Like i was in a PuG against 4 people from Extended Trial we 3 capped them but it was 4 people sure 4 people could carry a team but if the 6 other players are **** then the team loses. Premading is what it is about. I have not heard of a F2p 10v10 (cross server or truly competitive match) other than AP hosting their own Arenas which is cool.

TL;DR: PuGs are a joke. Premading is much more competitive. It is not an individual that makes a team good but a collection of individuals that work together that can make a team good please understand that.

i've played with/against you. you're not very good, man. i'm sorry. i'm not trying to be mean or put anybody down here. it's just the truth. you're better than most of the rest of the 24s though - i'll give you that

"pugging", "premading", and "arenas" are completely irrelevant here. the 24s in this bracket suck at world of warcraft pvp, period. it's an objective fact that is easily verifiable by playing battlegrounds in the 20-24 bracket. if anyone reading this doesn't believe me, they can level a toon up to 20 and do some battlegrounds themself to verify it. i don't expect you to take my word for it
guess you missed the whole point of my post if majority of 24s are bad but can win games together then... Obviously they are good as a team. Just like any premade group can carry a Pug at times but some times they can't if the people can't pull their own weight against a team of competent players.

So next time you go against 24 premade(3-5 man in PuGs) don't afk out or have you team mates AFK out give it your all. I would. Because this happens when i play with <EPlC> we establish control and start capping the flags usually 1/4 or 1/2 the team AFKs then good players do come in but find themselves against a 24 premade and tend to just sit back and let us wrap up the game. And we do promptly. But some do try but it is in vain since the people think we are farming them and do not Rez. And other people tend to just sit on the alliance roof from the get go.

It is the different kind of alliance we play against the ones that just roll over and let themselves get beat. Which i was not use to when i joined the guild but was just humored at the fact that when i solo Queue Alliance are relentless and seem to be functioning smoothly meanwhile the horde is just rag tag group of people who just got farmed last game and think it is going to happen again. (normally it is this kind of morale that costs us the game)
it's pointless to try when 9 people are getting camped and im the only one doing anything, it just promotes more camping

in addition i think the main reason most 24s are terrible is because they outgear about 80-90% of the population, and most 20s also suck, which makes it easy for them in most cases to roll over people. so no one ever needs to learn how to actually play WSG or use a mouse for things other than clicking targets

you see "learn how to play the game here" threads in F2P, and then you see "lolol get gy camped" or "#1 bracket" in 24s. there's no decent leadership at all in the forums because the only good 24s are random solo queuers that never post here

it's the same reason why really old school 19s took (literally) years to get decent, the twinks that played outgeared the majority of the bracket's population and hardly anyone was actually "good"

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