epic the pally here.

Lol aint no shame in bein a clicker.

what hes getting at (besides trolling) is the fact that 10 times out of 10 a keyboard turner/clicker is going to get outplayed by anyone who binds and uses strafe/mouse movements. when keybinding, your reaction time is about 1000 times faster then that of taking your mouse, moving it across your screen, and hitting a button, while trying to maintain ToT or missing something important that just happened(FC dies, missed a crucial hoj moment, etc)
Of all the WTFwhydidtheydothat (focus, resillence,lvl 10 shadowpriest that xploit xponbgs) shit blizz has done, disabling transmogs takes the cake.
Amen sistah. That was the final straw that made me cancel my sub.
Of all the WTFwhydidtheydothat (focus, resillence,lvl 10 shadowpriest that xploit xponbgs) shit blizz has done, disabling transmogs takes the cake.

What irritates me the most is there is no sound logic for not allowing Xmoggin of BoAs.

All the arguments I've heard are beyond ridiculous.

It literally has zero effect on anything beyond making the new kid on the endgame block feel bad when some level 40 warrior is wearing the same Endgame epic skins as he is. Stupid ass "I worked hard for those endgame items" mentality...

The hardest part of raiding is staying awake.


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