epic the pally here.

I don't mind the fact that they're 24s. You pay, do what you want.

I'm referring more to just the ego/attitude. It'd just be one thing if it were warranted, more than just out of nowhere.

The 7-10man groups of EPlC are obviously going to be hard to beat for f2ps, even with a 24 or two mixed in.

Win against a group of geared 24s such as yourself, then be as cocky as you want and idgaf.

Oh and this isn't directed at Epic, more certain other players. They should know who they are.

But I'm not here to flame, it was a genuine question, just clarifying what I meant.

As for you Epic the pally, I'd suggest you stay holy like I said. Just avoid me when I /salute in game, cause I don't feel like coming back to rage about the 24s
I want to try typing randomly too, to see if it feels that good.

I played with you today, and had fun. I have two pretty simple categories; upon entering a BG there are names I see on the roster that make me feel happy, and some that make me go 'aw no', and you belong to the first category.

Getting into a premade WSG with 7 or 8 EPIC members can be pretty boring, because I can mostly only be accessory heals then. I like that you queued alone (or there were two of you? Dunno.) and we still had to work for a win.
You do seem to have WSG strategies down pat. I don't like farming at all, so I'm happy that didn't happen.

Also I like your friendly attitude! There are both 20 and 24 players in the bracket, it won't ever change, everybody have fun. ^^ There are a lot of f2p players I love to play with and against, and the same goes for 24s. I'm always happy when I meet Bloodanwhine, and although I saw Zola/Feletia being described as a griefer, she has been nothing but nice to me.

I have no screenshots of Epíc, will take some the next time we get into the same PUG. ^^

Also you should stay holy, even though I haven't seen you as ret.

I <3 holy.
sounds like someone has lost to EPlC one to many times...

Ive actually beat you guys numerous times queuing solo against your premades when you tried to farm gy(which you claim you never do). But yes on average a premade of 9 coordinated 24s will beat the 2-3 alliance 24s who are not coordinated. You arent good.
Ive actually beat you guys numerous times queuing solo against your premades when you tried to farm gy(which you claim you never do). But yes on average a premade of 9 coordinated 24s will beat the 2-3 alliance 24s who are not coordinated. You arent good.

SS of a premade with me in the premade where we lost or it didn't happen.

Are you the dumb hunter that tried to convince me to go beast mastery like you knew what you were talking about? You are bad.

Beast Mastery is an amazing spec. Kill command can crit for 800+
oh god, two things

tap, you are far from bis and your spec is subpar

whyzu, although you seem like a nice guy, beast mastery should only be used in a defensive set on D
As a hunter its really a waste of focus to use serpent on someone unless they are a rogue or a feral or something can stealth and get away from you, ect. but then again... you do have hunters mark.
As a hunter its really a waste of focus to use serpent on someone unless they are a rogue or a feral or something can stealth and get away from you, ect. but then again... you do have hunters mark.

Or a healer that you know will survive your initial burst.
I don't really respect anyone who plays a 24, but you are definitely at the top of the list when it comes to "we got Epic, we win" or "**** THEY GOT EPIC ILL AFK IN CORNER while they all farm gy.

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