Enjoying PVE in a relaxing group.


Does any one enjoy just simply running instances in a layed back friendly group setting anymore?
I like PVP every now and then but also get a lot of enjoyment from simply running instances. Least I used to back in the day. Now every instance group is a speed ball, zerg run to the end. No one speaks other than the one ass hole that always thinks he's doing all the work. With all the BOA and enchants floating around, the normal instance no longer hold any threat. Are there any close F2P communities that also enjoy this aspect of WOW still?
does any one enjoy just simply running instances in a layed back friendly group setting anymore?
I like pvp every now and then but also get a lot of enjoyment from simply running instances. Least i used to back in the day. Now every instance group is a speed ball, zerg run to the end. No one speaks other than the one ass hole that always thinks he's doing all the work. With all the boa and enchants floating around, the normal instance no longer hold any threat. Are there any close f2p communities that also enjoy this aspect of wow still?

how do i pve!?
1. It's way too easy for anyone to have to talk.
2. A lot of the players doing the dungeon, especially in F2P, could solo the dungeon.
3. Most people doing dungeons want something from said dungeon.
4. Combine 2 & 3 and you'll see that the only reason people from #3 don't do #2 is because it is inefficient.
5. Therefore speed runs are what people do and sometimes assholes (or not) are doing 60%-100% of the damage and realize they aren't being all that more efficient and get pissed off because #3 is not happening quickly enough to make #2 not worth it.
6. That leads to your experience
7. Unfortunately 1 + 2-6 makes it hard to make dungeons fun. If you enjoy those, try heroic dungeons at 90 when people care about the dungeon itself!
Woo pve thread
Personally I try to run atleast 1 or 2 dgns a day, partly because I wan lots of things but also because I really enjoy it. It gives you a chance to really experiment and puts your class in (let's be honest here) a fairly safe and controlled environment.
Obviously the next step for this is soloing and then timed soloing and this, especially for some classes, (locks being my fave atm) is a really fun and satisfying experience, so go on, gtf out of mid on your nelf sv huntard and go try it!

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