Enhance Shammy?


I just recently created a holy Paladin twink on Horde and a friend of mine wants me to have a Alliance twink as well so I'm deciding my class now and I just wanted to know if Enchance Shamans are a viable and well set up class, damage and burst wise. I haven't seen many in bgs yet except in a non-xp bg and this guy just blew people up (off course he was loaded up with heirlooms) but he was hitting hard and it hit me that I kind of want to see if they're any good. So just let me know if they are in fact a good class to role if I want to do serious damage/have fun wrecking shit or should I just go with the flow and role a huntard like everyone else... Thanks!
OK great then thats what I'll end up making. Btw are those your twinks? Cause if they are, I love Rvrstár's videos on YouTube lol. :D
Lack of gap closers combined with being kind of fragile. You will get destroyed in mid, often.
Ok well I have the patience and attention span to not get mad if I'm getting destroyed but to minimize that happening in a game what other class is better for raw burst and damage as a melee?
Enhancement shammans r a pain in the ass for healers, cause of their slow + purge + wind shear, though they are not the most OP class I would say they are indeed viable :)
Ok well I have the patience and attention span to not get mad if I'm getting destroyed but to minimize that happening in a game what other class is better for raw burst and damage as a melee?

I think you said you already have a holy paladin, but ret paladin is better for burst and has much more survivability. Rogue is more viable than enhance shaman, too, if you're interested in playing rogue.

Enh shamans do well in imbalanced games, but against a good team with good ranged dps, they aren't very viable.
Yeah I could role a ret pally... Idk it's a thought and rogues are good yes and a pain in the ass for healers (fuck you kick) but idk if I'm up for the hassle of getting two shadowfangs =/
Yeah I could role a ret pally... Idk it's a thought and rogues are good yes and a pain in the ass for healers (fuck you kick) but idk if I'm up for the hassle of getting two shadowfangs =/

The BoA weps are like identical almost. You could always roll a fury warrior, but that would be about as futile as an enh shaman.
Yeah.. I just want to roll a class that is not that popular so I won't get all that shit about not being original and I wanna switch it up a bit so I'm pretty sure that a class like a Enh Shaman or a Fury Warrior will suffice. Like I said, all the classes that I will get bullshit about for not needing skill or one of the "oh the bracket doesn't need another one of those" type classes, I want to push aside.

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