enhance shammn?


full boas agms and double crusader? or skel clubs, what ever is bis weapon for them.

what is there viablelity? maybe up to par since they have roots and instant ghost wolf per say alil better than warrs?
Yes it's possible. Shaman only have 1 ppm (proc per minute) affecting ability per hand though so they won't proc very often. Even more rarely would you see a double proc. Think about the classes that use crusader... all of them have more than 1 pmm affecting ability for the hand they use it in. That's why it's viable.

You have enough burst/dmg as it is with double 15 abilities, you don't want to lose a lot of that just so every once in a blue moon you could see some crazy numbers.
Also, classes that use crusader get 200 ap from it whereas shammys only get 100. 15 agi = 30 static AP, that's much better than a low proc 100 AP.
I like how enhance shaman play. Very middle ground, not too OP, but we can still kill (pallies even-yum!!). I use BoA mace x2 w/ agi enchanted on it. I used skel clubs before I got the BoA maces, which I traded out for the extra hp. My health was quite low without any stat to my stick, err hammer. I haven't toyed with crusader yet.
Rivfader said:
Also, classes that use crusader get 200 ap from it whereas shammys only get 100. 15 agi = 30 static AP, that's much better than a low proc 100 AP.

This is the crux of the matter. If you could get an agility equivalent of crusader on your weapons then it would possibly be worthwhile, since you would effectively be doubling the PPM of sader and since it has no ICD or stacking limitations it could potentially be quite deadly if combined with lifeblood and a suitable racial. However, since you don't get too much AP from sader it's not nearly so worthwhile.

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