End game PVE raiding: HOW DO YOU BREAK THE MONOTONY!?!?!?!

Finally getting in the swing of heroics and dailies; almost have enough emblems for the leather chest piece and the gun.

That being said, I don't know how much longer I can take it. Blood DK DPS boils down to:


lather, rinse, repeat.

In the middle of boss fights, my mind will go numb and start to wander, and my DPS will drop from 1800~2000 to like, 1000.

How do levelers and raiders handle this? I'm bored out of my mind half the time.
Try pulling extra mobs when the healer is drinking, all the DKs I run with seem to have fun with that.

Running Heroics and Regular instances are no where near as fun as the latest raid (or just about any raid for that matter). Try to get into a 10m Naxx or something (I don't know how geared you are) and you will see the difference.
well i don't raid (except in for the horde/alliance and wintergrasp) what keeps it fun is equipping those heirlooms on the alts and facerolling up pve levels
raiding > dungeons&dailys.

it should be a blessing you have a large rotation so you stay focused. my moonkin has 4 buttons so my mind wanders a lot

get s'more gear then do 10/25 naxx, 10/25 os, and 10/25 voa. easy badges along with heroics.
Orcgasm said:
Try pulling extra mobs when the healer is drinking, all the DKs I run with seem to have fun with that.


ive never had an 80 before, but in instances where my group is easily handling groups of mobs i'll aggro more things or aggro stuff before people have mana up.
GOALS, its all about goals and how far you want to reach them.

i farmed so much heroics for BoAs that now 80 seems too boring to me and i started my druid who is now 30.

i agree with the raid comment, its fun being in raids, when you have the chance getinto raiding on old content to see what it is and then try and find groups that wont fail and bring you closer to the real deal.

i also agree on the rotation thing, i love my DK for its rotation is more then my BM hunter 2 keys !

BM hunter rotation...

Serpent Sting, Steady shot until serpent sting is down, rinse and repeat.

it seriously sucks rotation wise.

but over all like it has been said go ahead, try for cheeves with your group.

that actually hads challenged when your playing a dungeon where you have undone cheeves !

so again, find yourself goals, gives yourself those goals and commit to them. otherwise its all a grind and grind is mostly boring !
i was bored yesterday on my 80 druid so i joined a bwl raid. realized i was not attuned...me and 3 others cleared to rookery, got jenkins then cleared rend. then i stealthed to drek b/c they were idiots and i touched the orb w/o aggroing drek somehow. twas awesome.
Sunblayde said:
Finally getting in the swing of heroics and dailies; almost have enough emblems for the leather chest piece and the gun...

In the middle of boss fights, my mind will go numb and start to wander, and my DPS will drop from 1800~2000 to like, 1000.

You are still very new to 80 I can see... Once you hit the ~3k mark it will be a little more interesting because that's when you can start to progress and do achievement runs.
Deaconator said:
You are still very new to 80 I can see... Once you hit the ~3k mark it will be a little more interesting because that's when you can start to progress and do achievement runs.

You seem to have made a typo, it appears you put 'interesting' and '80' within 100 words of each other.
Try your fuckin hardest to pull aggro then dump it all over the guy next to you. Like tonight we entered hardmode xt, and we killed the heart. but i didnt burn my CD's. so when xt popped back up i burned all my shit, did 9k dps, pulled aggro and kited the boss until my ice block CD was up.
80 is very interesting...its the only way to experience new (and recycled) content!

from a guy who accidentally twinks, i find it very surprising that you is not playing 80 that much.

i agree until you hit 3k dps, you are gonna lose your mind over it.

but thats the grind, even after 3k you'll grinding your gears and all...

but its true raids are better going then heroics, cant wait for cata when guilds will be a must to win these games, that way many guilds will actually leave the ground and up the hills !
ArthurianKnight said:
from a guy who accidentally twinks, i find it very surprising that you is not playing 80 that much.

i agree until you hit 3k dps, you are gonna lose your mind over it.

but thats the grind, even after 3k you'll grinding your gears and all...

but its true raids are better going then heroics, cant wait for cata when guilds will be a must to win these games, that way many guilds will actually leave the ground and up the hills !

iaccidentallytwink said:
You seem to have made a typo, it appears you put 'interesting' and '80' within 100 words of each other.

Troll more please.
Deaconator said:
Troll more please.

You're mistaking the '8' in '80' for a '6'.

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