Emerald dream DF


New Member
Hello, i often read this forum and yesterday i create my first pure f2p char, a guardian drood. I create a new account for him and i have several questions, i follow a guide on this forum what explain how go on the emerald dream on dragonflight with the engineer toy : wyrmhole generator : dragon isle.

I have the toy and i have the engineer specialisation that allows you to choose the destination and i discover all triangulation point but i don't have emerald dream.

I read on wowhead i can do the story quest until discover the renown dream warden and my first question are : If i follow the main story questline on dragonflight f2p account, would i finally get to meet this renown to go on emerald dream ?

My second question are : if i can't meet this renown on f2p account, if 2 people go on the emerald dream and use summ stone for me in front of the raid, can i go on the emerald dream with this way ?

And my third question are : if i just use engineer toy and select random ( the first line ), do i have a chance to pop on emerald dream even if i can't do the questline ?

I really want to go on emerald dream to have new druid form but i never play DF :) And sorry for my english, i'm a french player !

Thank's a lot
Emerald Dream is phased out for lower character levels, regardless of being a Veteran or F2P with 'Moving On' completed, the two areas that are character level locked are Zaverk Caverns (Yes you can sky ride/fly there but most is locked to a level 70, as well as pick up a few of the Renown quests on Vet; but all but a few professional 'chests' are locked out and yet one can use Engineering to add the Cavern to the DF transport toy as a possible location as one special item out of the chest there adds it as a possible location) and the Emerald Dream (you can reach the Night Elf hub, but the dream portal is not available).

As to being summoned, I haven't tested this, but I would think that the Summoning Stone would not allow one to be summoned to the Emeral Dream as well as a Warlock Summon may also have restrictions if one can't see the area in phase.
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I see, i hadn't seen it like that :(

I really sad about this, the DF form are really beautiful, i have try to find 2 people to sum me but with TWW launch people are busy ^^

If i found people who sum me, i will post a message if other players search same informations.

Thanks for you fast answer !
I see, i hadn't seen it like that :(

I really sad about this, the DF form are really beautiful, i have try to find 2 people to sum me but with TWW launch people are busy ^^

If i found people who sum me, i will post a message if other players search same informations.

Thanks for you fast answer !

If you play on french servers I would be happy to help.
The toy does work to summon you to emerald dream. You pick the second option where you snooze. Unfortunately, it's a random spot in the emerald dream, and none of the monsters were scaling to 20 last time I was there. They were all level 70, since that was season 4 content from DF.
Yep, but i don't have the second option with my toy, i just use and use again the random option and i finally pop on the dream. So, when you are in the emerald dream, you can use the portal at the east to leave zone but you can't use the portal to enter in. My solution if like me you can't have the option to sum you in the dream are to save your hearthstone in emerald dream.

All mob are 70 yes but there is no that much mob on his zone, i can farm so many plants easily :)

For druid, you can buy the new druid form to Thaelishar on the north for 500gold/u and the flying form sumblering somnowl.
I have the engi lvl, i approximate have 60engi lvl to craft the full wyrmhole toy, and after craft you just need DF engi lvl 1 to use.

So i don't have other charr to test if u buy form and warbank for druid but i think he doesn't work
Yes, there are some fun activities in the Emerald Dream for druids. Probably a dozen or more different forms to collect between cat form, bear form, travel form, flight form. Also some mounts and stuff to get, and I haven't tested it, but it may be possible to complete bloom events to get those rewards.
You have to be >= level 70 for most of the Emerald Dream forms through, hard to 'hit' the level 70 "Somnowls" with Hibernate to pluck the feathers as level 20 for the Mark of the Slumbering Somnowl. The four 500g items from Thaelishar work. The nice thing these forms are account wide.

You can follow the Superbloom, gain blooms and one can open those bags as they drop but the end reward bag or the ones from seeds require level 70. There is a chance that seems to be mostly dragon isle supplies, various green/blue/purple seeds can drop besides some rarer reputation tokens but these seem only if the purple super-bloom "bag" is reached. If a <= level 20 Druid gets the Emerald Dream currency to drop they can try to purchase one on the druid forms but I have not seen those drop yet on a lower level, but a Curious Coin did dropped from a Legion chest on my <= level 20 for the first time in years of farming on lower level characters so it may be possible but a long grind.

Update: So far barely enough players to get higher than a blue super-bloom bag drop, and so far only supplies and a chance at a seed which one can plant but not open the seed cache. Also as long as your unopened seed cache is at a seed mound you can not grow another seed but if another player starts the bloom, it lets you contribute.
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