Emberstorm BG.

Any good twink guilds in emberstorm anyone could name off?

Its the BG im in now and im looking at trying to start the fad of twinking in this BG so i can have some guilds to do 10s against with mine.
I am currently in Emberstorm and it seems to be a fairly weak twinking BG. I have yet to see any really solid twink guilds.
Well, i havnt hit the 19 BG's yet. Still working on gear and all but i will see if it is worth the 25 dollars to play for a guild.
Lol, Is Emberstorm even active?
@cookies-maybe, depends on your idea of "active". :)
lol no Emberstorm isn't that active. I haven't seen a real premade once; only 5-man groups queued together. There are a lot of twinks, but no real guild action yet.

There is a hunger for it, however. I think I see it more in the 29s than 19s tbh. In the 19s there's a lot of scrub epeen-stroking. I'm judging this by the BG forums. The 39 bracket is a lot like the 19s in that respect, and the 49 bracket is like the 29s but with fewer twinks.

I think we can get some decent twink guildage going. There are a lot of twinks on my server but rallying most of them together into a good-sized guild might be difficult.

I'm on Mok'Nathal. I have a 19 frost mage (as I understand those are quite useful in premades), 2 29s, and a 49. Also a lock and hunter in progress - I'm planning on making them both 19.

My main is about to be a 69 twink lol. After that my DK will be my only non-twink toon lol. He's a miner and skinner so I'll just be leveling him to gold-farm :p
one day im gonna randomly pick a server, and move all my toons there. Sick of the e-peen in BL
Dopedots if you are going to spend $25 to transfer to a twink guild, I would come on over to Cyclone. Great activity and competition here with many guilds to choose from.
Pizza said:
Dopedots if you are going to spend $25 to transfer to a twink guild, I would come on over to Cyclone. Great activity and competition here with many guilds to choose from.

And many people to be abused and ninja'd by amirite?
I think i would need to master my class before coming to the top dogs. This is my first warlock twink.
fuzzles said:
lol no Emberstorm isn't that active. I haven't seen a real premade once; only 5-man groups queued together. There are a lot of twinks, but no real guild action yet.

There is a hunger for it, however. I think I see it more in the 29s than 19s tbh. In the 19s there's a lot of scrub epeen-stroking. I'm judging this by the BG forums. The 39 bracket is a lot like the 19s in that respect, and the 49 bracket is like the 29s but with fewer twinks.

I think we can get some decent twink guildage going. There are a lot of twinks on my server but rallying most of them together into a good-sized guild might be difficult.

I'm on Mok'Nathal. I have a 19 frost mage (as I understand those are quite useful in premades), 2 29s, and a 49. Also a lock and hunter in progress - I'm planning on making them both 19.

My main is about to be a 69 twink lol. After that my DK will be my only non-twink toon lol. He's a miner and skinner so I'll just be leveling him to gold-farm :p

I would definitly love to try to get a core guild together. Only problem is what server on and how will the problem of gold making for my twink be on that server.
Pizza said:
Dopedots if you are going to spend $25 to transfer to a twink guild, I would come on over to Cyclone. Great activity and competition here with many guilds to choose from.
lol is this to be the end of this thread? A mass exodus of Emberstorm?

If so, I'll join, but I prefer to try and get some action on Emberstorm going. With Twinkinfo as our base we might get somewhere :)
Yes, if we can find a great group of people that would be willing to try out emberstorm and give it a shot more people originally from emberstorm servers will give it a shot too.
there are a lot of twink guild on emberstorm...

but considering were the weakest of all battlegroups... its not much...

i have to start recruting for guild though...

look at the battlegroup, we are like 3 PVP server out of a good 13 servers, the others are all PVE. and i can tlel i've looked at all battlegroups, this one will never go high, we always play the same teams over and over again !

anyway tell me if you wish to, i'm on rivendare server on this battlegroup, we're one of the best server in there, thortheldrin coming near us but still staying second to us. so if ya want to play premades i'd be up for it !
I would be willing to play with you all but i have a few Questions that i could use some awnsers to before i decide to go.

1) Funding my twink will be a bit slow considering i need to make a DK and get his profs up to make him a gold machine

2) I would need runs through instances for all the gear i will need to obtain, How would you settle this?

3)How soon will your guild be in premades?
well my guild is not really started yet, we have a lot of thigns planned but we just never advertised too much. there are a few good guilds going but from what i see they aren't the premade type as they don't seem to be helping each others.

as for funding... well our economy goes up and down, the problem is that we got a lot more PVP ratio then PVE thus gears and stuff to get proffs aren't really that much. i have a high end user, a 80 DK which can do dailies... i do like 400g a day just with those 25, and it take sme about an hour to do them. not to mention i can use the frostweave cloth to create bags i can sell 80g so that's almost 500g a day ! funding wise other then that making gold might ask you to get herbalism and mining which both does insane amount of gold for unknown reasons.

for runs and all, i wouldn'T mind helping at all for that, it be my pleasure to see some friends i could play twinks with.

overall i'd say drop the idea of coming over here.

rivendare is a great server to play on, i like the PVP there its quite awesome and to proove my saying, in the top 25 of arena's rivendare is always having 4-5 teams up there. but besides that, don't come for emberstorm, its not worth it, we're the worst battlegroup ever !


by the way i just checked on WOW for battlegroups... its now even worse...

we have like 3 PVP server against 15 PVE server. on a total of 20 server we have 18 and on that 18 we only have 3 PVP servers, that's really not fair for us, we want true PVP !
Sorry for not being on in a while, I'm having serious internet access issues and Websense blocks twinkinfo.com at work >.>

I'm still down for some organization, though. When I'm back up and running I'll be contacting peeps for some scheduled queue-ups :)
Hey guys! Kinda been trolling the forums for a few weeks. Started my twink with little knowledge of twinking and of BGs in general. Been playing about 3 or 4 months now. I have a 69 Hunter which is my main and then 29 frost mage. So far I have had a blast!

Anyway, just wanted to make myself known in the Emberstorm BG. I play on Borean Tundra, so I haven't ran into any other twinks. Thanks for all the great information guys!


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