Elitist Jerk


No, this thread isn't about that website, it's about someone who will remain nameless with a rotten attitude.

A few days ago I queued my 19 and as is always the case, you get quite the mix of folks, some very new, some veterans, and usually a bunch of hunters and rogues.. Thats okay, this is a PUG and as such, many folks use these to develop their skills, and just kick back and have fun. The problem starts when some tool with a rotten attitude starts up with the "you're all noobs." comments. Seriously dude, really?

I'm sure things would have turned out better for you if you weren't getting your lunch money taken from you everyday at school, but as it is, nobody is impressed with that kind of BS while waiting to start a BG. I can also promise that doing that kind of thing immediately targets you as the "I hope they zerg that moron all game long" guy, that I will never help.

If self-esteem is the issue, you are going to get a lot more compliments on excellent play and teamwork than you ever will by whining that the people that make up the rest of your BG are all noobs.

News Flash for you Einstein, YOU were a noob once too, and frankly, you are STILL a noob when you QQ and then bail from the BG.

We all know that pugs can be as organized as herding cats, it's just how it is in the current PVP model, that may (or may not) change in the future, but just so it's clear to anyone that queues and then whines like a spoiled little brat when they dont get their favorite ice cream, you aren't impressing anyone, and you certainly are getting any respect.

The folks that say "Hey, lets do this.." and "Who is FC?" and other useful things, guys (and gals) my hat is off to you, and I can always say that the BG's that included some attempt at organization were more fun, regardless of winning or losing, versus the bitchfests where everyone is pointing their fingers at everyone else.

In closing, if you are too cool for pugs, then stick with your premades.

I agree and disagree with this thread. Yes, Pugs are FAR from premades, and you do them to pass the time as they are not competitive. However, they are not "oh ill just stay in mid and see if i can get some HKs" or "i think if we put 9 people with our FC then they can never kill him". I do not mind when someone joins with 800 hp, (although i do not respect them very much, i will not call them out, because twinking is about getting BiS gear, and they are lacking), but i do mind when that same guy with 800 hp stands in mid, chills in the base, and does nothing whatsoever about returning our flag. There is a difference between being a noob and being a retard, and being one does not always mean being both. Join the battle with some prior knowledge and play objectively and you should be fine.
Elitist Jerks spin the world around. Wall of text too big, assume it was that horrid Xeneth hunter kid. Curley #1 tink.
Tonkks said:
I agree and disagree with this thread. Yes, Pugs are FAR from premades, and you do them to pass the time as they are not competitive.

I agree as well with the point about not just hanging in mid/etc. But the main point I was trying to make, is it's useless to piss and moan about noobs, and then bail from the BG before it gets started. I see a LOT more QQ'ing than anything else in BG chat, and thats messed up. I have a LOT to learn, and am willing to learn, but nobody gets anything positive from QQ'ing.
yea id much rather have someone who just says "hey, lets do this..."

I'd be pissed too if I got placed in a group full of noobs, ever since exp-off queues twinking has become about competetive games. So if 9 noobs ruins everything they'll get to hear it...
So what if im an elitist that treat people with good gear and good tactical thinking better then those that mindlessly go midfarm / join bgs with very poor gear? I dont see whats wrong with that. Please try to make a difference between being a flamer and being an elitist, and please dont clump up attributes with eachother and enhance certain stereotypes.

I dont want the ''lets do this guy'' (aka the GO-go go go guy?) in my team unless he is making the right choises for the team. Just as undergeared people might spend their free time losing bgs for others, I can use my time to tell them to gear up and /afk out =)
when u get in a bad game with a bunch of f2p halftwinks against a horde partial and dont want to afk, yelling at them is practically the best way to pass the time
Dorigon said:
when u get in a bad game with a bunch of f2p halftwinks against a horde partial and dont want to afk, yelling at them is practically the best way to pass the time

Lol this x1000000
PaveHammer said:
I agree as well with the point about not just hanging in mid/etc. But the main point I was trying to make, is it's useless to piss and moan about noobs, and then bail from the BG before it gets started. I see a LOT more QQ'ing than anything else in BG chat, and thats messed up. I have a LOT to learn, and am willing to learn, but nobody gets anything positive from QQ'ing.

It's not as bad as kids who spam qq when you ask people to try to do the objectives to win the bg
Interesting responses! it's cool to see that people want to WIN but it's so much harder when half your team is pissing and moaning about noobs. or not healing, or 'they have 5 hunters' etc.. I'm sure we all want to win, just seems to happen easier when it's 'us vs them' and not so much 'us vs us'

lol.. really?
You will not change their outlook. Don't waste your energy. Encourage the less experienced players and ignore the elitists.

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