Elevated [US-East Faerlina-PVP] Alliance Recruiting

Elevated is looking for more twinks to join their ranks. We are looking for dedicated people to queue the battlegrounds and participate in future premades. Funding is available depending on dedication to the bracket. Paid character transfers are an option for well-geared and dedicated players.


Battletag: M3AN#11953
Discord: Mean#5086
I’m interested. I’ll hit you up sometime tonight.
Sounds good. Add me on my battletag any time! I will be able to respond. I won’t be off work till 4:30 pm central standard time.

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Looking for more hunters, mage, warriors, druids, etc. We are looking for all classes.

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If I transfer my 25 rogue over can I get help with STV quests/libram quests? I dont need gear, enchants or gold and can provide gold/paypal for peoples time and effort

I'd potentially also xfer my fully geared hunter

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