Hi guys, I've recently been thinking of getting back into twinking, for oh so many reasons. However I've had a really tough time deciding what class to roll, I initially chose a rogue (as my sig still probably says - on my phone and cba to change it yet). I made my choice based on what heirlooms I already had, a decision which I regret. I would like to play a class/spec combo that's not so common, but might have potential. This led me to an ele sham! (terribly sorry for the long intro, but context is important, no?).
TL;DR - I was wondering what any more seasoned (and currently active) twinks think of ele's viability. I have access to every BoA, should have little trouble getting an AGM on my server, Deathwing EU, and I'll have enough money for all my BoE needs. I imagine the damage is reasonable, control is average but playstyle is fun. I'd greatly appreciate any input, oh and I'd be looking to xfer to Draenor on completion of my twink; would you guys from BLNT and all the other crackin' guilds on that server consider an ele?
TL;DR - I was wondering what any more seasoned (and currently active) twinks think of ele's viability. I have access to every BoA, should have little trouble getting an AGM on my server, Deathwing EU, and I'll have enough money for all my BoE needs. I imagine the damage is reasonable, control is average but playstyle is fun. I'd greatly appreciate any input, oh and I'd be looking to xfer to Draenor on completion of my twink; would you guys from BLNT and all the other crackin' guilds on that server consider an ele?