Egosvaultx of the Horde

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Sig fix't, I'd be in game but im supposed to be cleaning my room (lol) so like if I start playing my dad will walk in on me playing and be all like asdghkasgjaglafklakjalfkgjlfkgjakgjagj and child abuse me and stuff. So if I hear his feet I'll just jump on the floor and look like I'm cleaning?

sound cool?
Twinkytoes said:
Orc, I am your father...

Orc is adopted to by two lesbians. He calls one dad so he feels more like a normal child.
Ego said:
Orc is adopted to by two lesbians. He calls one dad so he feels more like a normal child.

My aunt is a lesbian. She has a friend that lived with her for like 15 years.
Rawr. Going to bed. Won't be on much tommorow night, I have a paintball tournament saturday and I have to leave at 7 am to get there on time (so gotta be up around 6).

5,348 kills atm. to lazy to edit front page ^_^. Night guys.
Ego said:
Rawr. Going to bed. Won't be on much tommorow night, I have a paintball tournament saturday and I have to leave at 7 am to get there on time (so gotta be up around 6).

5,348 kills atm. to lazy to edit front page ^_^. Night guys.

If your online I'll do it.
O hai twinky, forgot you don't have school tomorrow heh :p im working 9-5 but i should be able to help you after then with what evas - think I am going to get ret on my pally instead of holy, then later on update my holy set (maybe) :p
Yeah. I'm going to get on desktop in a few, still on the laptop laying in bed, lol. I may go to my brothers so I can use his wireless net. (Last time I wasn't connected via ethernet cord, but since he is on vacation, I can now ;D)
Alright cool, I'm questing on my 49 priest. (Not a twink). How did your paintball tournament go? Did you win? =D Do tell!
Other team won :(. We kinda got screwed over on the first 4 rounds because they had some of the mission masters, and older, more pro peoples. We got stuck with a bunch of younger kids who are like 10-14 and can't play :(.

It was a close game though, final score was 140-115, but now I'm all sore and stuff (and sick) so I should be on for awhile, I'll get on in a few twinky, probably around 1 pm Eastern.
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