Level 1 Rogue Twink Gear
Level 1 Rogue Twink Gear
Head: [ITEM]Hallowed Helm[/ITEM] [ITEM]Violet Hat[/ITEM] [ITEM]Purple Turban[/ITEM] [ITEM]Spring Circlet[/ITEM] [ITEM]Ruby Shades[/ITEM] [ITEM]Noble's Monocle[/ITEM] [ITEM]Red Defias Mask[/ITEM] [ITEM]Battered Jungle Hat[/ITEM]
Neck: [ITEM]Voice Amplification Modulator[/ITEM]
Shoulders: [ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders[/ITEM]
Back: [ITEM]Linen Cloak[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Wispy Cloak[/ITEM]
Chest: [ITEM]Haliscan Jacket[/ITEM]
Bracers: [ITEM]Dirty Leather Bracers[/ITEM] (Horde) or [ITEM]Cracked Leather Bracers[/ITEM] (Alliance)
Gloves: [ITEM]Worn Leather Gloves[/ITEM] (Horde or Alliance) [ITEM]Dirty Leather Gloves[/ITEM] (Horde) [ITEM]Cracked Leather Gloves[/ITEM]
Belt: [ITEM]Squealer's Belt[/ITEM]
Pants: [ITEM]Haliscan Pantaloons[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Tuxedo Pants[/ITEM]
Boots: [ITEM]Dirty Leather Boots[/ITEM] (Horde) [ITEM]Cracked Leather Boots[/ITEM] (Alliance)
Rings: [ITEM]The Rock[/ITEM] [ITEM]Mood Ring[/ITEM] [ITEM]Gold Eternium Band[/ITEM] [ITEM]Noble's Elementium Signet[/ITEM] [ITEM]Sapphire Pink Ring[/ITEM] [ITEM]Cubic Zirconia Ring[/ITEM]
Those are just some of my favorites, there are a few more, but can't recall the names at the moment.
Trinkets: [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM] [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM] [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM] (x2)
Main-hand Weapon: [ITEM]Battleworn Thrash Blade[/ITEM] [ITEM]Keen Machete[/ITEM] [ITEM]Fine Scimitar[/ITEM] [ITEM]Sunstrider Axe[/ITEM] [ITEM]Simple Dagger[/ITEM] [ITEM]Arcane Forged Shortsword[/ITEM]
The BindOnAccount is obviously best, Sunstrider Axe is next in line for top damage / proc rate weapon.
Off-hand: [ITEM]Furbolg Medicine Pouch[/ITEM]
Ranged: [ITEM]Sunstrider Bow[/ITEM] [ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM] [ITEM]Cadet's Bow[/ITEM]
Ammo: [ITEM]Feathered Arrow[/ITEM] (Massive damage with BindOnAccount Bow, semi-hard to come by though. From a quest in Desolace. [ITEM]Rough Arrow[/ITEM] <- Just basic Vendor arrow, buy lots
Back: [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility[/ITEM]
Chest: [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health[/ITEM]
Bracers: [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina [/ITEM]
Gloves: [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility[/ITEM]
Legs: [ITEM]Rugged Armor Kit[/ITEM]
Boots: [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Boots - Greater Agility[/ITEM]
Main-hand Weapon: [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing[/ITEM] (
Highly recommended) [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon[/ITEM] [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Agility[/ITEM]
You have a few options here, and they really come down to what YOU want. If you want to have a long lifespan, Pick up Herbalism, level it to rank 2 for Lifeblood - (Rank 2 - Heals 480 damage over 5 seconds) and 150 mining for Toughness - (Rank 2 - +50 Health). That provides a nice sized health pool and basically gives you an OSHT! Button. Skinning is also quite nice to pick up, as it yields you around 12% crit (I believe that is what Spooksters said, will fix when I know exact numbers) on top of the 25% ish crit you already have.
I realize that these are not all possible consumables, but they are the main ones I use when I am doing world PvP and dueling.
-[ITEM]Rumsey Rum Black Label[/ITEM]
-[ITEM]Elixir of Lion's Strength[/ITEM]
-[ITEM]Elixir of Minor Defense[/ITEM]
-[ITEM]Rough Sharpening Stone[/ITEM]
-[ITEM]Heavy Runecloth Bandage[/ITEM]
-[ITEM]Minor Healing Potion[/ITEM]
Extra/Misc. Info
Just some extra info I'd like to add here.
-Level your first aid to 225 ASAP and get [ITEM]Heavy Runecloth Bandage[/ITEM]. These are a true life saver, and can swing the outcome of a fight. Stock up on LOTS of these, I recommend you get around 500 or so if you wish to even last in world PvP.
-[ITEM]Rumsey Rum Black Label[/ITEM] is another must. Get around 300 for inventory and another 1000+ for your personal bank.
-[ITEM]Magic Candle[/ITEM] always make a nice finisher when combined with a bow shot followed with a 20 damage fireball