EDIT: Changes reverted!|Big changes to ilvl on PTR all epics nerfed to the ground except wod epics


50-59 Coordinator

PTR all classic+wotlk ilvl 112 nerfed to ilvl 22-35 but wod 112 same

And all wotlk 112 epics now red / require lvl 30 to use.

that will be interesting to know if my level 10s need to head back to BFA for farming again
Y'know, stuff like this makes me think ppl that are obbsesed with achievment hunting and rep maxing (Like Beerlover, Cristi etc.) are more and more validated. Why waste time gearing when every patch your stuff gets broken, when you can easily farm rep, even with heirlooms only, and that doesnt get nerfed on a monthly basis.
i suspect this is happening due to what is occurring in leveling BGs with twinks still exploiting. not all the players in leveling BGs are new to WOW. when experienced players see abnormal damage, the XP off debuff, unkillable players, 1 vs 8 wipes they SS, armory, and more than likely report thru hacks/ tickets. in 10-19 you have alot of 10-18 twinks, many do this to try to fly under the radar as 19s would be obvious. 20-29, there are alot of 20s, but the 29s are insanely noticeable, 30-39 has some rare 30s, but the 39s are even more obvious premading in groups of 3-4

it's how all the twink brackets were put back into XP off in BFA just blizz forgot or intentionally left 20s in XP on. near the end of SL it's why 20's were put into XP off. blizz always forgets something when it comes to nerfs or fixes and for some reason thru patches they sometimes undo previous fixes. blizz has not fixed gear badge/tokens from MOP, Legion, and BFA. the BFA benthic are still ilvl 66 and black empire are ilvl74 both require level 50+ to use. yet a 50 leveler in a dungeon can get a piece of gear 2-3x the ilvl. WOD gear slipping by blizz may still get noticed, go 3/4 thru a expac till fixed or never nerfed?
i suspect this is happening due to what is occurring in leveling BGs with twinks still exploiting. not all the players in leveling BGs are new to WOW. when experienced players see abnormal damage, the XP off debuff, unkillable players, 1 vs 8 wipes they SS, armory, and more than likely report thru hacks/ tickets. in 10-19 you have alot of 10-18 twinks, many do this to try to fly under the radar as 19s would be obvious. 20-29, there are alot of 20s, but the 29s are insanely noticeable, 30-39 has some rare 30s, but the 39s are even more obvious premading in groups of 3-4

the current modus operandi with WOW would be "enjoy while it last" .. dont need to bother about how long it will last .. just enjoy it while its still there
I have a hard time believing this is intended considering just a little while ago a very similar bug appeared making all gear there end game lvl. Wod being lvl 45 tbc 30 etc etc. Seems like this patch just rebroke what was currently fixed.
I have a hard time believing this is intended considering just a little while ago a very similar bug appeared making all gear there end game lvl. Wod being lvl 45 tbc 30 etc etc. Seems like this patch just rebroke what was currently fixed.
I farmed a ton of req 30 tbc gear on my 11 when they messed up gear. Patches like this on the ptr give me hope that I actually farmed up high level GF gear and it's just waiting to be level req patched.


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The best part about ops picture now that I think about it is that book of the dead is ill 25 and blade of eternal darkness is ilvl 23...they both come from the same xpac lol.

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