<Eat Crit and Die>


You have been challenged to a battle in WSG. Smack talk towards <Made in China> I have personally seen while playing my Horde toons ultimately was deciding factor. Will you accept?

When: Feb 12th 2011

Time: 7 pm PST - 11 pm PST

Once accepted we will work out the details for consumables etc.

Who reported my picture to imageshack?

LOL wtf? whered this come from?, and please tell me when we bad talked you.

EDIT: Btw, we accept. What time would that be in australian? Just so i can let my guildies know.
Btw, you might have the wrong guild, asi ive seen a guild called Eat Crit and Die, whereas mines called Eat Crit N Die

Either way, we will still vs you.
Ask your rogues.

Maybe they were drunk it was EARLY EARLY morning PST one night when I couldnt sleep. Popped a game at 3 am PST if you can believe that.

Either way we have a game. =)
If they are in Austrailia that would make it 10 pm local time for them. Anyways gg just now.
hahah, you guys, gogo record it w\ fraps or sumthing =)
I dunno if we will have all 10 BIS geared toons.. but this is a game and games are made to enjoy and have fun imo. Dunno why everyone is all afraid of not playing some 10 vs 10 unless they are perfectly geared. Enjoy the ride as you get there.
Blinka said:
but this is a game and games are made to enjoy and have fun imo. Dunno why everyone is all afraid of not playing some 10 vs 10 unless they are perfectly geared. Enjoy the ride as you get there.

This is also what i think

I know that i dont have 10 full BiS twinks, but i just want to have a bit of fun :)

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