Easy to twink now


Since you no longer need the Lucky Fishing Hat anymore it has become extermely easy to twink with an 80 in a raid guild. Lucky Fishing hat was the hardest piece to get and now that it is no longer needed it makes twinking easy. Now the only challenge we have is Arena Grand Master.
This, along with the cross battlegroup battlegrounds will only benefit twinking as a whole... whats with the angry face?!? I can appreciate that you might feel cheated if you spent ages fishing, but the increased activity will be a bonus for sure, and tbh fishing was a ludicrous method of progression by anyones standard.
well the twink population will probably go up by alot which is good because there will be less experienced players to kill o_O
Kore nametooshort said:
This, along with the cross battlegroup battlegrounds will only benefit twinking as a whole... whats with the angry face?!? I can appreciate that you might feel cheated if you spent ages fishing, but the increased activity will be a bonus for sure, and tbh fishing was a ludicrous method of progression by anyones standard.

This is exactly the way I look at it. With twinking being easyer more people will join the community. We might actually make up more than just like 1% of the population and might get some attention.

PS: I would rather of had the AGM nerfed. Imo it kind of ruins the bracket, along with lifeblood
Johneffer said:
Lucky Fishing hat was the hardest piece to get

since when was RNG hard?
Well, after looking at that video, Lucky Fishing Hat is still has the most Stamina, thus still BiS for any FC. Amirite?
PureCraft said:
Well, after looking at that video, Lucky Fishing Hat is still has the most Stamina, thus still BiS for any FC. Amirite?

and Max Stam Mages... and FC Sets...
Are you complaining that you no longer have to fish for 2 hours a week, I'm exciting and look forward to see what the upcoming changes bring to twinking as a whole.
Personally i don't like that they're editing old zones. :( Classics should stay classics.

But the LFH is not getting replaced, it's just getting a few partners. Think if it this way, it was one slow that everyone KNEW what they should be getting, no matter what class. This will give a little more variety to twinking, which is what we need.

But it's gonna be sad not being able to spot twinks right away :( The LFH was a twink trademark, almost noone else had it except lvl 80's that fish.
I never understood the people that rage about twinking being "made easy". Do you care that much about your epeen that youll cry over shit like this?

I twink because I enjoy the pvp and the mechanics that come with the low levels. qq moar
PureCraft said:
Well, after looking at that video, Lucky Fishing Hat is still has the most Stamina, thus still BiS for any FC. Amirite?

FCs and CC will continue to use the [item]Lucky Fishing Hat[/item].
Subpar said:
I never understood the people that rage about twinking being "made easy". Do you care that much about your epeen that youll cry over shit like this?

I twink because I enjoy the pvp and the mechanics that come with the low levels. qq moar

While I welcome the hopeful influx of new twinks, I think what you're sensing is that feeling that what you spent hours and hours trying to get is now obsolete for something that is really easy to get (by comparison).

That feeling is indeed a feeling of frustration. It doesn't necessarily mean it's epeen (but it def could). I felt this feeling after doing really good in S4 and having amazing gear and then only to lose it all when LK came out (due to Greens and Blues that are easily attainable being better).

A lot of us are into twinking because of the limited carrot on a stick mentality that comes with it (you gear up and play for the most part). It is frustrating for some (including me) to have to redo our twinks over and over again when new content comes out.

Having said all this, it does no good to rage about it.

My epeen, will be wrecked!

No wait! We'll have activity again! Wohoooo!

Those where my thoughts! I'm not a man of many words, as you've seen above. (weird thoug as I work as a salesman). But the "hard core" twinks will still get this hat, for max stam sets. No matter what other options we have. Hardcore is hardcore, because only the "best" always seek the most gear. And yes I fished for 2 hats and 4 boots just to have the enchants I wanted on my druid. (and i did get it).
I just dont like the idea of using an item I dont actually "own" I wanna be able to gquit and still have my gear if it ever came to that.
I don't see what all the fuss about "No more LFH" is for... usually when I see a 19, I automatically "/inspect" out of habit to see if it's a twink or not anyways. Maybe that's just me? :)
its fun to have options. Personally, the rule for me is that I don't play when the kids are awake, so i've had my 19 for 3 years and haven't been able to get a hat yet...several nice pair of boots that I can't use anymore though...

Too bad the engineering goggles look much better than the boa headgear...may have to turn the helm display off.

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