Easiest way to make charged gear runs?

I finally pulled off deadman's head (13th try woot!) so I decided to go for a charged gear for my 2nd ring.. My twink is already 29 and is about 7-8 bars away from leveling.. What I was doing for Deadman was killing the twink at the entrance, pulling the boss back to my body with my main, then looting the corpse and rezzing the twink..

I tried for the charged gear, which I had never done before, and the door closed behind thermaplugg so I couldn't pull him back.. I don't want to have to run all the way there and back with my twink also if I don't have to.. Is there an easier way to do this? I'm pretty sure the twinks dead body has to be in semi-close range of thermaplugg to master loot it to him, but i'm not positive.. Also, is the backdoor the quickest way to him? Took quite a while to get there with both toons :(

Gnomeregan is one of the hardest instances until sunken temple or so...

really, you can go there at level 28 for exemple, with level 30 dudes, and get pwned like hell

the mobs are very hard to kill - lot of armor, the alarms are like - quick , kill it before we all die, oh, no, toooo late... and then those mines .... etc ... etc... and the stupid "What happende ?! why 20-30 mobs attacked us from nowhere? - ups, i think i have aggro one when we jumped on that wheel... and he ran... ran until he got us :( )

i have done this instances a lot, with diffrent characters and boost.

The easiest entrance is the second entrance - the mobs are kinda hard... but it shorter.

i do suggest to clear the entrance until the boss, then die in fron of him and master loot, blabla bla...

BTW, once we done the boss in a party of 3 - me , a 28 warr, a 30 hunter and a 30 shaman. It was very hard to pwn the guys in front of boss - we died 2 times (the hunter survived allways - don't know how?) and then we attacked the boss and we tried to press those stupid buttons . etc... but we did it eventualy, and a rare drop - Craftman's monocle recipe for engineers - i took it and i can make it - i think is like the best head for level 19 twinks that need inteligence
I farmed for the dumbass helm for about 100 unsuccessful runs for my priest. This is how I did it (very quick - about 10min runs with looting everything. Looting helped some runs reach the 12min minimum for 5runs per hour).

Note: I did NOT do dead runs because the run back to Gnomer FUCKING SUCKS and it's very time consuming.

I two boxed my old level 70 arena warrior and my 28 priest. I put them at the back door. I'd run in with my warrior and aggro all of that long hallway up until the elevator and kill everything at once. Since I was really hoping for Hotshot's, I was also looting everything which added a LOT of time to my runs. That's when I'd zone in with my priest and start numlocking down each hallway. I'd go down the elevator and aggro the entire room. There is a pat in there somewhere and it killed my priest on a run, so I vowed to just clear it since it takes no time at all. So, aggro that room and kill 'em all. Take your main to where the Dark Iron Dwarves and other robotics are and just aggro everyone on the top ledge down until Thermadick's door. I'd even snag the little group at the bottom that's close to his door since they aggro'd to my priest once. While doing this you can have your twink head down the elevator staying far enough behind your main to avoid xp - this is very simple as there is plenty of walking room. Numlock your twink down to Therma's door while you're killing on your main. Open the door on your main and kill the few guys there. Kill 'em all and right about now your twink should be getting close to your main. Put both your twink and your main inside Therma's door and kill him and collect loot.

Therma gave my twink 300xp per kill with full rested experience. I leveled from 27-28.5 trying for the helm or good rings and got neither.

You can do this run without getting xp, but it will take you SOOOO much longer. And fuck just taking longer, it's annoying to have to run back every single time. I'm sure that if I didn't loot everything I could do it a lot faster, but like I said earlier, the shortest you can do a run w/o hitting the cap is 12min. So why not try for some Hotshot or Petrolspills (which I have for sale on [H] Trollbane, btw :)) ?
Well, this is what worked for me. I stared at the back door, and I used my hybrid main (a druid boomkin) to clear the majority of the mobs between the boss and the back door. Then I ran in on my twink, and any time I encountered a new respawn or pat, I’d either run to my main, or get as close as possible before I died- then I came in with the main- killed the pat and rezzed the twink (I had to do this each time at least once). At the boss, I simply started the fight with the twink- let him die, then nuked the boss, rez twink.

No XP gain, though it takes about 15 minutes this way (I could clear with the twink in follow mode in about 6 minutes).

Good luck!
when i was boosted to recive Thermplugger left arm that Gyro hat droped

i still have it o my war... it sends 100 damage once every 30 min and looks cool - i also recived it for my other twink warr... :)
Thanks for the info.. I was afraid you guys were going to say that :)

I don't think I want to put 15min into each run with my twink for such a low percent drop.. I know twinks are all about how much work you put into them, but damn.. Deadman's Hand is a different story because of how insane it is.. I'm not even sure the charged gear is better than the pvp ring for both my rogue and healer druid.. I'll probably make some runs with my ret pally when he gets to be a high enough lvl, cause i could get some xp for him and try for thermapluggs arm..

It would be considerably easier if I wasn't already 29 with my toons.. oh well :)
From the back entrance, as you open the first door, the twink can come into the entrance. As you clear the path past the elevator and down to Thermaplug's room, there is a pat that respawns. I generally have the twink come into Thermaplug's room at this point after clearing those mobs. On my hunter, it takes about 7 minutes per run.

Dark Iron Ambassador also spawns and drops [item]9455[/item]. Pulled one twink through and noticed Dark Iron Ambassador was there, called another twink from that guild and they didn't feel like coming. Emmisary Cuffs of Agility dropped - talk about an upset rogue.

Know the instance levels and save yourself a ton of hair pulling.

RFK can be entered at level 15. If you're going after Blind Hunter or Earthcaller Halmgar, you have plenty of time to farm things. Once you've gotten all of your gear from RFK, level the twink to 20 where you run Gnomer and SM. You can enter Gnomer at 15 -- for horde, you don't get the quest for the Transponder until level 20 and getting to gnomer as horde without that is time consuming. SM @ 20 means that you can clear a slight path to Doan, and when you get ready to pull him, the twink enters the instance but doesn't come around the corner. You kill Doan and the two pats that spawn when he is killed. Once you have farmed your items, then you level up to get your quest gear. Do one full clear so that the twink can get the scarlet key and sit outside the instance while you are clearing the first hallway and the few in the cloister. I generally do not have the twink enter until I am actually pulling Doan. Stop in the cloister and clear any adds that you may have dragged along.

Doing the corpse runs is difficult if you don't have a class that can rez, but, if you've done enough planning, you should have all of your instance drop gear prior to 26 and a half which is your point of no return. Once you hit 26.5, if you are going to be close on experience, you have to push through until you are done so that you will run out of rest exp at level 28. Each quest you do from 26.5 to 28 will push that rest exp further into 28, allowing room for fewer mistakes. Since so many of the quests for so many classes start at 28/29, hitting 28 with no rest exp also leaves a little room for error.

Same with discovery areas. Since you already know your quest rewards, explore those areas early. Two quest chains from Shimmering Flats resulted in 9100 exp for my shammy at level 22.
cd34 said:
Doing the corpse runs is difficult if you don't have a class that can rez, but, if you've done enough planning, you should have all of your instance drop gear prior to 26 and a half which is your point of no return. Once you hit 26.5, if you are going to be close on experience, you have to push through until you are done so that you will run out of rest exp at level 28. Each quest you do from 26.5 to 28 will push that rest exp further into 28, allowing room for fewer mistakes. Since so many of the quests for so many classes start at 28/29, hitting 28 with no rest exp also leaves a little room for error.

This is very true- I hit 25, seemingly blinked and was 29 and ¾ after doing the required gear quests on my druid. Also, you should point out that if you plan on taking any kind of gathering profession, you should start exploring your targeted gather areas (hopefully with a main leading the way, killing everything close, out of group to avoid XP gains; ideally, if you have a motorcycle or Tundra-mount friend, bribe them to schlep you around ;P) at the early 20’s. I know you can’t train on the 300 gather skill until you’re 25, but trust me- you don’t want to me in the same position I was in doing it late, especially if you’re working up herbalism. Get all that 3100-per discovery XP out of the way as soon as possible.

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