E T Phone Gnome
<E T Phone Gnome> is recruiting!
- Mirage Raceway, EU (PvE).
- Both Horde and Alliance departments.
- Funding available (read below for more info).
<E T Phone Gnome> is the biggest and most notorious EU Twink Guild that finds its roots back in Vanilla. Founded in 2006, <E T Phone Gnome> defined the Misery Battlegroup for over 2 years and up to this day we are still going at it! Knowledge, know-how and strategy planning are our keywords. If you would like to be part of a fun, easy-going, yet serious and growing Twinking community then please visit our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/JUHuMUZ
What you can expect from us:
- A broad playerbase ranging from beginners towards some of the best 19's in EU.
- Near complete knowledge about gearsets and Twinking in general.
- Assistance with quests, boosts, AGM and acquiring other Twink items.
- A friendly environment where we focus on learning and improving.
What we organize:
- Bi-weekly 10v10's against our own Guild.
- Monthly Gurubashi dueling events (2v2s/3v3s).
- Daily PuGs and voice chat (also during Fishing Contest)!
What we accomplished:
- First Twink Guild to run Argent Dawn shoulder enchants.
- First Twink Guild to run Zandalar shoulder enchants (on over 30 players).
- First and possibly only Twink Guild to clear ZG and apply ZG-leg/head enchants.
- Currently we have over 25 Naxxramas Shoulder Enchants in our Guild.
What we made:
<E T Phone Gnome> has made several resources to help players get into Twinking, below are some of our most popular ones.
The Lvl 19 BiS-chart:
Questlists to ensure you don't miss on any item:
A handy Guildbank you can buy stuff from:
In our discord you'll find several other resources and theorycrafts, such as AddOn-packages, numbercrunching and more!
Do you want to join <E T Phone Gnome>?
We are currently welcoming all classes and players so long as they are self-sufficient (fund themselves) and meet the below expectations.
What we expect of new recruits:
- A friendly attitude.
- Striving for best in slot gear.
- Willingness to learn.
- Activity (>3 hours online per week).
- Being self-sufficient (unless funded).
Funding is primarily available to well-known players who have a history of good performance in (competitive play at) the 19's bracket.
Classes available for funding:
- Human Female Priest (2 funds available)
- Dwarf Male / Nelf Female Hunter
- Gnome Male Warlock
- Gnome Male Rogue
Above all, we hope to have a fun time together in the 19's bracket. Is <E T Phone Gnome> the Guild for you? Please contact us in Discord!
Nostalgia - our very first premade!
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