Dwarf Rogue?

So I was on my twink "Twinkytoes" who is a dwarf, and I was casually playing WSG when I noticed that Stoneform that away hunter poisons (Yes, I am very, very slow. I never used that racial before). Now I was thinking that maybe a Dwarf shouldin't be counted out when creating a rogue twink, because you can restealth easier without that nasty poison on you.
Stoneform is almost literally the only reason to ever roll a dwarf.

Or rather, it used to be...

with the nerf to the immunity it's kind of bleh now
Juke said:
Stoneform is almost literally the only reason to ever roll a dwarf.

Or rather, it used to be...

with the nerf to the immunity it's kind of bleh now

Aww crap and i though it was coz they where short and cool:(
I used to love stone forming out of a full set of bleeds on me from my feral drood friend, or garrote and rupture vs my rogue buddy. And it most definitely wrecked vs. DKs. It took a fairly lame nerf recently though. Oh well. :(
Dwarves will come in the night and steal your first born child... do not mock the spawn of the mountains.
blind -> stoneform -> bandage wins most duels vs bleed classes
yeah blind->stoneform got nerfed quite awhile back. I was pretty pissed about that. It was when blizzard decided that blind no longer needed a reagent and made it a physical component vs a poison one or something of that nature.

Edit: I just realized I don't think he meant actually stoneforming out of blind, but rather blinding someone and then stoneforming their bleed so you can bandage, which is uber win.

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