Duopally on Streamerhouse? 29 Twink BOSS

Although you edited my post :p I did enjoy the stream
Cya in da next :)

Thanks man Just watched Furious 7 and BabaDook on Stream, Now hitting off with Boyhood. Just Letting stream hear the Audio since its like not allowed on Twitch to show the movie.

Don't forget to check out my recent Youtube videos.
AV pvp action Who says Av is boring haha I defend I capture Bases. We kill the Boss OH YEAH

Straight Str armor BIS
Live right now! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Twitch<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
or copy and paste Twitch.tv/Duopally


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Wooo Sorry guys had to make a New Warrior hes lvl 29 now my old lvl 20 warrior got Deleted I accidentally did an Arena and lost my glitch.
Live now!>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Twitch<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Just finished going 55-1 in Av with 550k damage will make a Video about it later
or Copy paste This>>>>>> Twitch.tv/Duopally<<<<<<<<<<<<
Don't forget tho Girls!
Yeah Thanks for the Bump Spewfeel. Yeah Shattering throw is fun even to get Kbs if timed perfectly. Wooo I'm live baby The Twinking grandmaster! Sitting on my Throne like Yeah! Copy Paste>>>>>>>>>Twitch.tv/duopally<<<<<<<<< or click here >Twitch<

Yeah I mean Its only Swifty calling me the Master/ King Yeah he said it check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLpXZJ-t-Uo

But yeah I recommend Shattering throw BIS Glyph
lol was gonna ask that, Duo is unfarmable he'll be long gone b4 you get the chance :)

I am going to give him a free bump.
How do you think he preserves his precious win/loss ratio that only he sees?

He does have a good additude though. Which is much much more than I can say for than many of the other people on this site.

I am going to give him a free bump.
How do you think he preserves his precious win/loss ratio that only he sees?

He does have a good additude though. Which is much much more than I can say for than many of the other people on this site.


You think he has a great attitude? Honestly I am unsure if this is a troll or not?
I am going to give him a free bump.
How do you think he preserves his precious win/loss ratio that only he sees?

He does have a good additude though. Which is much much more than I can say for than many of the other people on this site.


lol well I believed him for the longest part about his win/lose ratio :(

But at the end of the day he loves what he does and that's what its about.

Gullible I em
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lol well I believed him for the longest part about his win/lose ratio :(

But at the end of the day he loves what he does and that's what its about.

Gullible I em

His win/loss record is what he claims. But with an asterisk. We all know, including him, how he obtained his ratio as opposed to someone else, say my paladin for instance, that has over a 90% win ratio without /AFKs. But I do not advertise it, nor do I expect people to go digging for it in my armory either.

But as you said, he enjoys it. It that really is all that matters. I enjoy how I play and he enjoys how he plays. Good, clean, cheap fun.

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Oh my God. I solved it.... You guys been experiencing those Long 20 -30 minute ques? Well has anyone thought about it. I used to see Free to play till 20 advertisements by blizzard on almost every game buying website. But now???? They have all but disappeared. Since Blizzard isn't advertising free to play, there isn't a surplus of new players joining every day. Has anyone ever thought about it? If there aren't millions of dollars going into advertisements about free to play then who is playing the game? the same people as always. No advertisement. No bracket? Damn it blizzard. They will single handedly kill the bracket eventually.

I mean for 4 years I've played this bracket and everytime i used to go on wowhead, Wowwiki, twinkinfo all this stuff and more I always saw Advertisments. But now? where did they all go?
Blizzard must of stoped. Thats why We haven't had same que times of 2-3 minutes I mean Think about it [MENTION=10670]spewfeel[/MENTION]

Got Finals this week Just thought I would drop that off right here.
Hey Guys Going live in a Few For anyone Wondering about Fury Warriors, I been playing Arms and just decided to go Fury to check it out and I wanted to see if I could 1 Shot someone So heres the Video Footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUAU4snEekI
Hope you guys enjoy!
I'm live now btw Play Fury for "Fury Fridays" >>> Twitch.tv/duopally <<<<< Copy paste that or click here>>> Twitch

Oh and Twitchstarter.tv has Recently made a new Thread on their website that shows a little background about me. >>>>> http://[Remove this space] www.twitchstarter.tv/duopally.html <<<Remove space before copypasting it or it won't work.
or just click the link Duopally
Thanks Guys and Enjoy See you guys on Stream
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you got soloed by Désastre - Black Dragonflight tonight in an alterac valley, please make sure your 6 - 7 pocket-healers are following you next time, have a nice night^^
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