Duo takes break

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Sorry was at college studying waiting for ur mom, she was late.. about 45 years late.. but atleast she made it to ENC 1101.
Don't talk about your mom . Duo mad? Don't make thread about you coming back and not expect this. Besides smoke didn't sell you out your Guildies did. You not a Mexi-can your a Mexi-can't. Duo will you learn to refer me as Daddy-badger. Want respect learn to solo que.

You only on here cuase your momma asleep or out dancing on a pole.

Daddy-badger out
lol dude half of your guild came to my guild and respect... really.. coming from you. the guy that afks when he see's little ol Duo why dont u play a class that u cant hide. huh? Badgers got his grandpa pampers in a bunch lmao its funny tho.You say im mad.. but atleast i can still kiss my mom. not go visit her at the graveyard... like i do to you in bgs. cant wait for
Duo out.Rip badgers mom not really.. burn in hell
You mean the people I kicked from guild? It's funny how you trying to talk about moms.
First you make a post about you coming back ? Who cares.
2nd you bring up and confirm you got your wow taken for you.
3rd you bring up your mom and can't take the pressure. LoL

dude learn to stop killing yourself Mexi-can't. Go clean your room before passdalube gets his turn and goes Honeybadger on your mom.

/Duo's mom boy toy out
Cancerous thread is cancerous.
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