Dungeon Speed run Leaderboard


New Member

Rules for toons​

  • Must be between level's 10-14
  • No ooze
  • Only buffs you can apply to yourself (your own raid buff and consumable) no getting buffs from outside sources. (subject to change if a reasonable request is deemed fair)

Rules for submission​

  • Must defeat all bosses
  • A Video of you completing the dungeon with a stopwatch in game showing
  • put your toon name and time in the msg
  • EX. (Toonname)with armory - time(link to vod of run)

Dungeon list for S1​

Wailing Caverns
Blood Furnace
The Nexus
Shadowfang Keep
Temple of the Jade Serpent
Blood Maul Slag Mines
Eye of Azshara
Mists of Tirna Scithe
Nokhund offensive
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Dungeon Leaderboard for S1​

Wailing Caverns
  1. Cybely - @popup271 (8:26)
  2. First - @Mechanic (8:04)
Blood Furnace
  1. Cybely - @popup271 (2:01)
  2. First - @Mechanic (2:10)
  3. Ashni - Mirage (2:38)
  4. Rufordtwink - @FinsterLord (2:53)
The Nexus
  1. Céri - @Conzil (2:21.64)
  2. Cybely - @popup271 (2:45)
  3. First - @Mechanic (3:04)
Shadowfang Keep
  1. Cybely - @popup271 (4:45)
Temple of the Jade Serpent
  1. Cybely - @popup271 (3:44)
Blood Maul Slag Mines
  1. Cybely - @popup271 (3:37)
Eye of Azshara

  1. Cybely -@popup271 (2:58)
  2. Rufordtwink - @FinsterLord (3:59)
Mists of Tirna Scithe
  1. Rufordtwink - @FinsterLord (7:52)
Nokhund offensive
  1. Cybely - @popup271 (6:38)
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