dungeon scaling

This might be something obvious that I'm probably forgetting. But if you were to make a 20 twink specifically to run dungeons would you have to gear it differently verses like outdoors. I'm just experimenting around with junk but I noticed my twink guy has a easier time the lower ilvl his gear is. so is lower ilvl gear with slots better than higher ilvl in that case or am I being stupid about something?
No? Think about it like this, the higher the ilvl is on the gear (generally) the higher the stats, but the hp of the mobs in the scaled instance doesn't change to represent your stats, they represent your level.

The best example rn is how 10s have pretty much the same gear as 20s atm bar a couple pieces here and there yet they plow through dungeons twice or even three times as fast as a 20 would. This is because the 10 has similar stats to the 20 but the hp pool of the mobs is scaled to level 10 so you pretty much do twice the damage as a 20 would be doing.
interesting, alright so I am being stupid good to know lol. might of just been different secondary stats on the higher ilvl gear
[doublepost=1603148215,1603148112][/doublepost]I'll give making a 10 a throw too didn't realize it made that much of an impact
Well I was going to ask just for the same reason so i'll do it here - what class would anyone suggest for ease of soloing dungeons? level 10 or 20 or somewhere inbetween.... 10 is so starved of important abilities IMO it's difficult to decide.

edit- and you're not being stupid at all, it's just that the health pools/damage of the dungeon mobs are significantly lower for lower levels. So it's better scaling AND weaker enemies at level 10.
20 is the sweet spot where you can unsub and get into BG against levelers and other free-to-play, that's all 20 is.
Well I was going to ask just for the same reason so i'll do it here - what class would anyone suggest for ease of soloing dungeons? level 10 or 20 or somewhere inbetween.... 10 is so starved of important abilities IMO it's difficult to decide.

edit- and you're not being stupid at all, it's just that the health pools/damage of the dungeon mobs are significantly lower for lower levels. So it's better scaling AND weaker enemies at level 10.
I'm pretty much invincible as holy priest, I'm sure the same applies to most specs that are geared like me though.
I'm pretty much invincible as holy priest, I'm sure the same applies to most specs that are geared like me though.

Never played one, i'll give it a look. Thanks!

Was looking at druid but things like Starsurge being a level 12 ability turns me off rolling a 10.

It's hard for a non-10 before SL prepatch because my 10's now were all 20 lol. Lost lots of abilities. :oops:
Never played one, i'll give it a look. Thanks!

Was looking at druid but things like Starsurge being a level 12 ability turns me off rolling a 10.
Priest gets mind blast as baseline, elemental force + dot with smite spam and mind blast off cool down is surprisingly deadly, frag helps make up for a lot of the damage another spec might have as well. Definitely consider giving it a try.

Fear as an oh shit button and fortitude is nice too.
Well I was going to ask just for the same reason so i'll do it here - what class would anyone suggest for ease of soloing dungeons? level 10 or 20 or somewhere inbetween.... 10 is so starved of important abilities IMO it's difficult to decide.

edit- and you're not being stupid at all, it's just that the health pools/damage of the dungeon mobs are significantly lower for lower levels. So it's better scaling AND weaker enemies at level 10.

Hunter is nice. Surv/BM/Marks all feel solid, I use surv for dungeon soloing since it has "some" aoe with wildifre bomb + serpent sting on mobs. At my gear level, serpent sting alone can nearly kill an elite without procs so it's really nice. Feign death is great as well for mob skips etc.

I do wish i had stealth sometimes but oh well.

I like 20 since I can also BG, I was pretty well performing even in the epic bgs with level 49s (115s previously~) thanks to being ranged and had on the higher end of kills/dmg for the entire BG. So that's a plus as well, I can't see melee doing very well in epic bgs with the huge level gap in there (20s can que against 49 in epic bgs)

If i had to make a 2nd class right now, i'd make a balance druid since they can get their artifact weps (do other weps first), then start the resto line and get the 48 resto pre-artifact and be good to go. That's useable for both balance and resto, so i'd be on even footing with the 49 relic stuff. Plus with the aoe dot spread and stealth + ranged dmg, that'd be pretty solid. So yeah, Balance druid might be where it at since you missed the early days.

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