

I think we need to choose some area where both factions would go to duel, because spamming BGs 24/7 gets a bit boring.

Getting some arena going would be even more awesome, but that would require a p2p person to set up I guess, and I've found not all people that love BGs really anjoy arena :(

But seriously, no duels is making me get bored to death, considering I'm used to spending 90% of my wow time chillin' in durotar and duelling b4 I stopped my sub.

Yes, class imbalance is a big factor, but duels are not about proving who is more skilled, they're about practice and killing time between BG/dungeon queue pops.
I think that outside of the guru arena is a reasonable place for twinks of both factions to meet... just need to get more people to hang out there.
I do think we need a dueling area. In front/inside of Guru arena sounds reasonable, or even chill at the Nessingwary camp in the north.
Send me a tell in-game when we both are online and let's meet outside of Org or something. I would like to talk to you before we duel :3

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