Duel Boxing 19s?


Anyone tried doing this?

I'm planning to 'attempt' duel boxing w/ two lvl 60 mages soon!

I fancy doing it with some lvl 19s aswell, but I don't want stupid classes such as hunters & rogues.

Maybe spell power warlocks?
Noo said:
Anyone tried doing this?

I'm planning to 'attempt' duel boxing w/ two lvl 60 mages soon!

I fancy doing it with some lvl 19s aswell, but I don't want stupid classes such as hunters & rogues.

Maybe spell power warlocks?

I don't see why it wouldn't work in the 19's. Dual shamans would be fairly OP, with shocks and mass totems, though I'm not sure how you'd drop them in different sequences. Dual glass-cannon mages would be fun too; but if one dies, and the other lives, I’d guess it’d cause a control issue…..

Or you could just roll two hunters and dominate.... oh, wait, you HAVE a soul! :D

Good luck!
Seen DBing hunters ripping up WSG

There was 3 MBing CC mages who used to play in cyclone. Mixed results, really hard to kill - But shit at most other things. Generally just ended up all spamming arcane explosion and fireblasts...

Seen 4 multiboxing level 15 nontwink priests cause a lot of trouble too, stacked up with renews and offloadin' a lot of dottage ^^... hate to fight them if they were twinks...
warlocks seem like a good choice, although it's just run up, dot, shadowbolt/searing pain

maybe you can set one guy to cast fear while the other one casts searing pain

dual priest can dispel a buffed target twice as fast, and heal well. can also fear bomb 4 targets at a time. dual SW:p too.

dual moonfiring druids? /shrug

i'd say warlock or priest
Different totem sequences is relatively easy, just make different /castsequences on each shaman. Then have all the shamans bind their totems to the same key, now when you mash that key 4 times, they will all drop a different set of totems. Although, you might want to multi-stack certain totems.

Multiboxing is "usually best" with classes that can heal.

Instant casting classes are a very large bonus.

If i were to multibox i would choose either shamans or priests. Warlocks would die to attrition at a much higher rate. Then regrouping them would most likely be a pain.

Shaman Multibox



Mass Totems



No instant heals


Instant Heals

DoT and run tactics

Semi burst. . . mutliwands. . .



i cant really think of too many right now
Noo said:
Seen that before, proper imbah imo.

Definately gold farming company, what you think?

Can't really say- I read an "interview" about the guy not long after this story broke, and he claimed to be a serial entrepreneur (someone who starts companies, then sells them to finance the “next big thingâ€￾) but you got to wonder; MOSTLY about the Britney Spears wallpaper ;P

I think another good example was the “Army of Zinâ€￾ (I think) who was credited with starting the multibox “crazeâ€￾ in PvP. Since then, there’ve been countless combos, from 5v5 teams of Shamans and one Lock, Mages and one Priest, Priests and one Warrior, Hunters and one Druid and five Druids (one resto, rest balance). I always thought it was interesting, but never had the time or money to invest in trying it.
Well there was that guy who got gladiator 4 boxing shamans. In general shaman tend to be a popular class to multibox. They are fairly easy to control in groups since they don't require you to manage CC (earthbind isn't much of worry about, set it and forget it). The ability to have essentially endless interrupts is also one of the appeals of multiboxing shamans. They really become quite powerful as they get more and skills too.

Currently I've tried duel boxing mages and three boxing shamans, and both were actually relatively easy and straight forward. I can't imagine every class being as easy. I plan on taking my 3 shammy up to 39 and giving it a try as elemental to see how it goes and then I'll probably play with the two mages at some point.

For anyone interested in multiboxing you don't need any fancy set up like the picture linked early. My $1200 imac has no problem running 3 WoW accounts and the key cloning software was totally free. It was almost as simple as just making duplicate copies of WoW on my computer. It's fun for those who like technical problems or just to try something different.
Megamann said:
Well there was that guy who got gladiator 4 boxing shamans. In general shaman tend to be a popular class to multibox. They are fairly easy to control in groups since they don't require you to manage CC (earthbind isn't much of worry about, set it and forget it). The ability to have essentially endless interrupts is also one of the appeals of multiboxing shamans. They really become quite powerful as they get more and skills too.

Currently I've tried duel boxing mages and three boxing shamans, and both were actually relatively easy and straight forward. I can't imagine every class being as easy. I plan on taking my 3 shammy up to 39 and giving it a try as elemental to see how it goes and then I'll probably play with the two mages at some point.

For anyone interested in multiboxing you don't need any fancy set up like the picture linked early. My $1200 imac has no problem running 3 WoW accounts and the key cloning software was totally free. It was almost as simple as just making duplicate copies of WoW on my computer. It's fun for those who like technical problems or just to try something different.

Sounds cool.

I'm trying locks @ 19. Dot hell :p
I haven't tried duel boxing, but it sounds kinda interesting. I'll try it out some day. The idea of 2 hunters or rogues or even shamans would be sweet!
i hate multiboxing, really it makes the game suck badly...

but its your choice, so here's my advice...

if i had to be a boxer... i'd go with shamans... and i'd go with DRANEI as Gift of the naaru will become instant direct heals it will help. and if one of your shaman is resto, then you can pump suckers into riptides, not to mention with the change in SP. being all 3 resto wouldn't be a big lost in power ! you'd lose only crits.

otherwise any casting class is better as it diches out more dps and control.
Hehe....I used to multibox 2 hunters in the 19 brackets....and just 2 alone was enough to be a game changer when they are focusing on the same target.

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