Dual Box Hunter....good lord.

Dual means two. Multi means a non specific number, and is the preferred term. Both factions have them. The horde one has a 24 shaman to keep its hunters up. The alliance one has various Friday, by Rebecca Black, lyrics as the names of the four hunters. Neiher of them are especially good, but when you can take out pretty much anyone in a few seconds you don't need to be. Old news.
Aradiel said:
Dual means two. Multi means a non specific number, and is the preferred term. Both factions have them. The horde one has a 24 shaman to keep its hunters up. The alliance one has various Friday, by Rebecca Black, lyrics as the names of the four hunters. Neiher of them are especially good, but when you can take out pretty much anyone in a few seconds you don't need to be. Old news.

well im new to the bracket, so new news.
Well, I'll tell you I just faced the horde multiboxer against mine, and the 24 healer definitely makes the difference. GG shamans. Just quit the match at that point.
Krislol said:
Well, I'll tell you I just faced the horde multiboxer against mine, and the 24 healer definitely makes the difference. GG shamans. Just quit the match at that point.

i stuck it out. honor is honor. :)
Yeah it's not worth it when they actually have a healer, would love to face them without one. But you know, won't happen.
Krislol said:
Yeah it's not worth it when they actually have a healer, would love to face them without one. But you know, won't happen.

find yourself a nice corner and sit in it. :)

or find a retard and kill it.....alot.
Hey guys, you're almost certainly referring to Navydew, the most notorious Horde multiboxer (and the only one that I know of) in our bracket.

You should know that in the last three games that my regular crew got queued against Navydew, we still won the match. One person's brain occupying four character slots on that side is in fact a disadvantage. No one person can control 4 characters as well as 4 people can. This is why I always say, queue with a full group whenever you possibly can. And if you don't know that many f2ptwinks on your server, come join us on Aerie Peak.
Horde MB only cares about farming noobs and getting HKs, not winning games. Anyone can beat the MB with good communication and knowledge of where they are on the field.
Ciroe said:
Hey guys, you're almost certainly referring to Navydew, the most notorious Horde multiboxer (and the only one that I know of) in our bracket.

You should know that in the last three games that my regular crew got queued against Navydew, we still won the match. One person's brain occupying four character slots on that side is in fact a disadvantage. No one person can control 4 characters as well as 4 people can. This is why I always say, queue with a full group whenever you possibly can. And if you don't know that many f2ptwinks on your server, come join us on Aerie Peak.

i wanna be on AP but no one will RAF a few characters with me :(

want a druid/priest/mage!


Teamworkz is fun

Edit: Notice, we got kills on her each game and about the same amount (if not more) honor than her.
Yeah I play horde and I've probably lost more games with that guy on my team than I've won. He's never anywhere near either FC, he usually just hangs around Ally GY/mid area. You will hardly ever see him returning flags or actually helping out.

Its ****ing gay from a fair play standpoint, but its funny/unique to look at.
Ciroe said:
No one person can control 4 characters as well as 4 people can.

QFT :)

First time I saw a multiboxer (4 hunters) I didn't even know what it was. We won the match of course, the guy was just runnin around in mid and all we had to do was keep the flag away from him.

Thus my low opinion of boxers in general, 4 brains > one.

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