Druids - Gear for FC and Healing/LolBoomboom

I was wondering how to gear out a Druid for FCing/Resto/Boomkin.

All gear will be available, Alliance and Horde.

So far I have come up with the follow ideas:

Stam Stacked

Stam Stacked (plus a few Mana pieces)

SP Stacked

SP Int Stacked

SP MP5 Stacked

If you all wouldn't mind making some Char Devs on this I would like to see em

Also, Can someone make a list of Druid only/Other items that would be useful to have in the bags that can be swapped in.

Off topic:

Can I also get a list of all the Consumables available at 19? I have searched this on TI and found one but it is still lacking in the potion/Elixir department and look like its a little out of date.

Thanks so much

- D
I dont know much about druid gear so i suggest checking out the guide here. As for elixirs, here you go


[Elixir of Lesser Agility] +8 Agility

[Elixir of Giant Growth] +8 Strength and 30% Growth

[Elixir of Minor Accuracy]+10 Hit

[Elixir of Firepower]+10 Fire spell damage


[Elixir of Wisdom]+6 Intellect

[Elixir of Minor Fortitude]+27 Max Health

[Strong Troll's Blood Potion]+6 Health Regen

[Elixir of Defense]+150 Armor


Rumsey Rum Black Label for WSG, get 200+ of it as u will burn through it like crazy


[Minor Magic Resistance Potion]+25 resist to all schools of magic

[Goldenmist Special Brew]+70 Max Health (from a horde only quest that only gives 4, use wisely)

I would personally use 150 armor and 8 agility for FCing and throw on a 25 resist as well.
Bragh said:
There is a druid guide under 19 twink guides.

Fixed it for you.

You can armoury me if you like. im most likely to be in my resto set. Korette Draenor EU (A)

Edit: I have about a billion druid chardevs so i'll copy the links for you. I wont check them though to see if theyre upto date/correct though, so if something looks out of place let me know and i'll fix it.

http://chardev.org/?profile=253040 FC set

http://chardev.org/?profile=342839 High mp5 geared resto (my personal favorite resto build)

http://chardev.org/?profile=374835 Babyboomkin

The resto and boomkin builds weapon switch to Blessed hammer of Grace with 30 sp + Furby pouch/mystictome/veildust medicine bag/everglow lantern when the mana from 22 int is used up.

The FC build switches to Lorekeeper's Staff + 25 agi when the mana from 22 int is used up.

When any build is below full mana and not casting for more than 5 secs you should have Staff of the Friar with 20 spirit out.

Edit2: http://twinkinfo.com/forums/19-twink-guides/8017-19-druid-guide.html
Reshonek said:
You know you can't get the Elements BoA's on a druid, right?

Was just look at that XD
Hey Dave,

I love you...so much. Anyway, Twavafowm has the most stam possible (even more than me) which with a perfect set is 2014. Some druids find this to little mana, but with Natrural Shapeshifter I very rarely go oom, but I am a tard at druid so you may heal yourself more than I. Painaid heals himself constantly and runs with about 1350 mana most of the time. You may play around with spec as you like, I love the no interupt talent in resto for rooting and a big heal when i pug getting off without interuption. Many people spend 5 in furor which makes no sense to me as the only skill worth using is bash and you just hit enrage and have all the rage you need for that, but thats just preference.

This is what I am moving Wuvz towards, take a look and change out what pieces you think necessary. Its slightly less stam but much more agi and spellpower, plus you move better than I do and will likely be backstrafing where as I am bad at it cause again I'm tarded.

This build I am about to link also takes engy for the bombs for quick getaways.

Here ya go bug, in my opinion this is BIS:

character planner . daveyfc - chardev.org

Your better at Druid than me Dave, and with both sets you will surpass me quickly, good luck bud, if you need pieces let me know I will get them for you. Don't worry about gear on the other server, just work on your hat and agms there, then comon over and we will start your gearskys.

Wuvz, your going to love me.

Got a pair of 5stam Wranglers on Manno.

Char is doneskis for BoEs now.

Now just for that bloody AGM and fishing hat..... -.-

- D
Karmaz said:
Wuvz, your going to love me.

Got a pair of 5stam Wranglers on Manno.

Char is doneskis for BoEs now.

Now just for that bloody AGM and fishing hat..... -.-

- D

Oh my gosh you got your BOE's done already Dave? I have my dk here so if you need me to move my pally over and spec holy or tank to ge boas faster on your old server let me know for her boa's. I will be on vent the next couple nights but I will not be in game as i am trying to finish a large project for work. Hold down the boys, I am trying to line up a premade vs Revolution for a weeknight next week.

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