Druid only guild on Bleeding hollow.


Thinking about starting a boomkin only guild on bleeding hollow. Most of us have twinks in the other major ones already, but I think it would be cool to counter the alliance druid premades with our own.

We did this in the 29 bracket in WoD when horde was rolling 10 brewmaster monks and it helped deter the behavior, and I think the 19 bracket could use it this expansion.

We could create our own community chat for everyone to join on all their twinks and if people are facerolling pugs on druids we could let everyone know in the community chat and could put together a group on our boomkins.

Would anyone on horde bleeding hollow be interested in forming a boomkin only twink guild?

Deter the behavior? Lol it’s not like horde is innocent of queueing with 5 boomkins... and I don’t see how this will deter the behavior. Good luck to you with recruitment- but I don’t know why you would promote one class/spec for bgs.
We did 10vs10 BM monk and feral premades in WoD, weren't even sceduled, just logged onto ours and mass queueed when some guild was doing it on the other faction. This is trash and people are ruining the bracket again. Cupa vintage and like 4 other regular twinks all in the same BG on boomkins 4 bg's in a row? I'm not stupid, it's not RNG. We need to just have everyone make one boomkin twink guild and end the bracket and turn it into a circus just to prove a point.
As someone who qs alliance almost every night and mains a boomkin, I can >assure< you we never intentionally run druid "premades". At least not that I have EVER seen. There is absolutely no denying that druids and especially booms seem to be more popular among the alliance faction, but I just think the funny thing is that the exact same phenomenon occurs on Horde with rogues, SPECIFICALLY outlaw, and I have never seen any Alliance trying to make an all outlaw rogue guild to "fight back".
On many occasions, I and others have intentionally logged on to other classes besides druid when we've started to notice way too many of them on our team in games. I just think it makes no sense to complain about this when the same thing occurs on horde with rogues.

You just have to accept in twinking that this kind of shit happens and it's annoying for both sides on either account and get over it tbh.
-Ehksdee/ Kayo

I mean you don't have to get over it you can do whatever you want, I'm just stating the facts
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...or you could just make a guild with people you enjoy queueing with that are not actively playing the FOTM and then switch to whatever everyone else is playing each patch...? I don’t see how this promotes a healthy bracket.
Kayo bruh I hate to break it to you, but assassination does not get mutilate until level forty and sub sucks ass as well. Rogues are like the 4th class on the list from the top in terms of being OP. This isn't wotlk, we aren't running around critting 1500 with ambush.
See, this is kind of my point. You are really quick to defend the reason why your own class is so popular, but so slow to understand why boom is as well. I could sit here and talk about how it has the most mobility in the bracket, has a lot of utility, etc. but the fact is that it doesn't really matter. It's fine that outlaw is crazy popular, it's the most effective spec in this bracket, great. Druid is really popular as well for extremely obvious reasons. What is dumb is to refuse to understand that and try and act like one faction is innocent of something the other is not when that's not really the case. It just sounds like denial, sorry
You going to make a qq thread about druids every other day on these forums? I havnt been giving shot about it too much because it is understandable that you are frustrated w game balance, 19s never are balanced. But to be honest if you find this bracket unplayable for non form classes in pugs it leads me to believe that you are just not proficient at your character. I literally only play off meta stuff in pugs. Pure str Warrior (without heals) ret pala elem or enh sham and destro lock. Only meta class I play is hunter. IF you are struggling in pugs w combat rogue so often that you have to make multiple threads about it then you are doing something wrong. It is not hard to beat pugs, you do not need to be the most o.o class to do well in pugs. I'm not trying to say haha ur bad or get his son but if you are struggling that much in pug bgs then you will likely struggle when playing druid as well.
Badz getting triggered because I'm calling them out for queueing up in groups of 5 using one class. FYI I solo most druids 1v1, however they stay in packs and zerg bases together. In bg's like EOTS it takes so long to cap a base and to gain points with only one base that it's an easy loss against that comp. Stay salty that I'm calling you guys out.

If this was the 39 bracket you would all be using fury warriors and then saying i'm dumb because fury is the ''meta'' and that it's perfectly normal to have ten of them in each BG.

At least a few years ago you all just backpeddled on hunters and were easier kills.
Badz getting triggered because I'm calling them out for queueing up in groups of 5 using one class. FYI I solo most druids 1v1, however they stay in packs and zerg bases together. In bg's like EOTS it takes so long to cap a base and to gain points with only one base that it's an easy loss against that comp. Stay salty that I'm calling you guys out.

If this was the 39 bracket you would all be using fury warriors and then saying i'm dumb because fury is the ''meta'' and that it's perfectly normal to have ten of them in each BG.

At least a few years ago you all just backpeddled on hunters and were easier kills.

You're starting to sound pathetic man... Stop crying or stop queuing.
druids are the most busted class this lvl they 1 hit my paladin

There's a busted class in every bracket in every expansion. People will always play them. Especially at lower levels because of how easy it is to reroll... I've played 19s since tbc and At this moment in time I wouldn't recommend it to anyone
Call it Druids for Hire! Que in groups of 4. Then sell the 5th spot to twinks needing wins. Just carry them to bg crates! This way, you can counter/roll the opposing teams and also troll your own faction. It would be a thrilling, orchestrateded commodity in a beautiful, disaster of a bracket!

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