Thinking about starting a boomkin only guild on bleeding hollow. Most of us have twinks in the other major ones already, but I think it would be cool to counter the alliance druid premades with our own.
We did this in the 29 bracket in WoD when horde was rolling 10 brewmaster monks and it helped deter the behavior, and I think the 19 bracket could use it this expansion.
We could create our own community chat for everyone to join on all their twinks and if people are facerolling pugs on druids we could let everyone know in the community chat and could put together a group on our boomkins.
Would anyone on horde bleeding hollow be interested in forming a boomkin only twink guild?
We did this in the 29 bracket in WoD when horde was rolling 10 brewmaster monks and it helped deter the behavior, and I think the 19 bracket could use it this expansion.
We could create our own community chat for everyone to join on all their twinks and if people are facerolling pugs on druids we could let everyone know in the community chat and could put together a group on our boomkins.
Would anyone on horde bleeding hollow be interested in forming a boomkin only twink guild?