Andraklas7 said:what class(es) do you like the most / preffer? can tell a bit about it I guess
KÃtty said:^ Good point >.<
Well currently I have all class at 19 apart from priest/druid. I like playing all really, I wouldn't say the same over shaman being I haven't played mine for that long but really I like rogue/pally/warrior at the moment. Don't mind mage but not played lock that much I'ver.
Falkor said:druids are only as strong as the player behind them. when played by noobs they suck, but regardless of spec they can be strong as hell if weilded by an experienced person. cat is pretty much always weak (unless you travel with a friend to help), but a skilled moonkin or resto druid can tear up the bgs.
Andraklas7 said:make a lock sl/sl spec fel hunter glyph and faceroll. but nah
Mortox said:Don't be sour because I roll you.
but nah
Andraklas7 said:when?
come horde I wanna play with a warlock in 2v2!