Dps priest


Is it viable at 19? Im intrested to make one. If ur bored can you make me chardev?
Stunggix said:
Is it viable at 19? Im intrested to make one. If ur bored can you make me chardev?

The World of Warcraft Armory - Maelstr

Add boas(mace+mystic), bronze band, one more sp to weapon, sp trinket(if human), and perhaps belt of the sorc. This will put you at 157sp with still a decent bit of stamina and intellect. And yes, gearing for SP, at least in some type of moderation(don't go full sp...that's dumb) is a very good build, and a fun and interesting way to play a 19 priest(for arenas). Holy spec has a greater damage output than shadow spec, on top of having superior healing abilities(so, spec holy).
I'm playing 0/0/10 on my priest and I pretty much give meele classes anal in 1v1 and so as well it works in 2v2 :) Go for it, Armor Ryríth on EU armory.
my priest had a full sp set, smite hit for 160, sw:p ticked for 50 and with the renew glyph renew tick healed me for 98 mid blast hit for around 130. Was fun untill 8 smites later then he oomed >.<
Kore nametooshort said:
Not really atm. Wand is your best bet. In cata dps priests look pretty strong with holyfire, mind blast, SW:p, and HW:chastise or Mind flay.

TELL me they're bringing chastise back?!?!?! i remember having a 29 dwarf priest twink, and back when priests had racial spells still, and then in one patch all priests got DP and chastise.... fucking epic spell; damage, instant cast, and a 2 sec stun on moderate CD. :p :D
RyrithDraenor said:
I'm playing 0/0/10 on my priest and I pretty much give meele classes anal in 1v1 and so as well it works in 2v2 :) Go for it, Armor Ryríth on EU armory.

I highly doubt you could beat Zenocide if you were a twink priest.
Gusys said:
I highly doubt you could beat Zenocide if you were a twink priest.

That's because I(Maelstrom) trained Zenocide in the ways of dismantling a priest on multiple classes. As such, I am the only priest who has a sliver of hope of stoping the mayhem and bloodshed which he brings to the fellow players of my most beloved class. Sadly I am retired, so all hope is lost.

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