Beenthere said:This thread must be a joke
Kazuki said:What is the best combo? WSG/BOA mace?
Turdel said:Working on 2nd AGM Qtgurl @ Eldre'Thalas - Game - World of Warcraft
Also gunna try out what this kid is doing doesn't look bad Ränce @ Korgath - Game - World of Warcraft
Fisher. said:Better not call me a kid when l seen you afk numberless times because youre too much of a coward to fight us without your 5 hunters/4 healer parade.
Turdel said:The only joke here is you, don't be a pussy and address me directly if you have an issue. Sit down box.
Diiesel said:Funny how we were just talking about this. Since you honestly wont notice a difference in damage using either setup, I personally would be going double SF.
Beenthere said:Who are you and why are you acting big? You come off as a whinny high schooler
Rivfader said:Ok Turdel, my mistake. Obviously agi and an RNG proc is more valuable than str and stam to a build that isn't crit dependant, but rather AP dependant. Before people go pointing out the one extra top end I would like to mention that while WSG sword has one less top end it has one more low end (this is factoring in AP from BiS gear) giving both weapons the same average damage. The difference is that the str on the WSG sword benefits your specials more than the agi from SF. There is no objectivly justifiable reason for using SF on a warrior, nostalgia and vanity does tend to get the better of me though.
Turdel said: This guy uses 2 fangs
Riv do you have 2 fangs?
Mehcritkillu said:I think he only got one fang.