title says it all - does it make sense?
or is insiginia too important (better than 12 stam)?
ps: lez say its a ret-pally.
or is insiginia too important (better than 12 stam)?
ps: lez say its a ret-pally.
title says it all - does it make sense?
or is insiginia too important (better than 12 stam)?
ps: lez say its a ret-pally.
doesn't equipping ioth put it on cooldown? so if its cooldown is up after 3 mins, reequipping would put it on another 3 min cooldown.
30 seconds general trinket CD after equip.
i would definately do what Yde said then. insignia/agm, then agm/agm when insignia is on cooldown.
Am I slow, I thought the insignias had a 5 min cd?
I don't know if they've fixed it, but you could always try setting up a macro, which is what I used to do. I don't remember exactly what mine was, but something like this might work (might being keyword). If working properly, that would use your equipped insignia, then equip your AGM. Then in 270 seconds (ie 4.5 minutes), it would equip your insignia again. That way there's still 30 secs cd anyway, so the 30 second trinket cd isn't a factor.
/use Insignia of the Horde
/equip Arena Grand Master
/in 270 equip Insignia of the Horde
I don't know if they've fixed it, but you could always try setting up a macro, which is what I used to do. I don't remember exactly what mine was, but something like this might work (might being keyword). If working properly, that would use your equipped insignia, then equip your AGM. Then in 270 seconds (ie 4.5 minutes), it would equip your insignia again. That way there's still 30 secs cd anyway, so the 30 second trinket cd isn't a factor.
/use Insignia of the Horde
/equip Arena Grand Master
/in 270 equip Insignia of the Horde
I don't think you can trigger time delayed actions in a macro?
I actually did use
/equip does equip AGM into the top trinket slot, if you're out of combat.
But careful, if your AGM already is in the first slot and Insignia in the second it just swaps one AGM for the other.
I stopped using that pretty damn quickly, because it triggers the general trinket CD on both AGMs.
It really sucks if your AGM is cooled down, you escape a CC by trinketing, the equip goes through because the CC didn't put you in combat, and then you proceed to die because AGM is on a 30 second CD.
Idk if you can now, but in WOTLK that was similar to my afk macro for AV weekends lol
/in 5 /s lol
/in 25 /s lol
/in 45 /s lol
/in 65 /s lol
So that every 20 seconds I would "lol" and never go afk. Now the function of this macro no longer works (as in, you still go afk), but the macro itself works.