dont you hate knowing you missed out on free gold?


Leg gaurds of the valut on my AH for 110g!!!

saw them while i was on my 29 lock and only had 25g

jumped on my alt and about 15 secs later they were gone

spammed trade and didnt even get to QQ to the guy that bought em...

G*% D$*& F@*$ B(*$@*&!

I think we've all had this type of fail (getting outbidded on ebay at the very last second Q_Q)
im so lucky lawl, i seen a assassin's blade in ah for 125g, i rember, i had 68g on my alt so i RUSHED to my other toon, sent all his gold to him, i was at 110g. went to other alt sent him my 13g..... wow then i went on my main and sent him like 500g lol,"I shoulda went on main first but w/e" and anyways i had like 500g on the guy and i looked and prayed, i rushed and typed 10-19 weapons and the first thing i said was OMFG, then was like ohh yeah im good... i still have it too dont know what to do with it lol, ill trade it and 2k for a SF if anyone wants it:p
Twinkytoes said:
Hey is Cobalt Crusher worth anything? I bought it for 4g 50s today

it's a decent weapon (i chose it for the human racial - but Corpsemaker does more burst damage so i upgraded). got it off AH for 48g when 5 were listed. on my server it's usually listed for ~60g. currently hoarding two that dropped while farming for deadman's hand.
nait I have farmed and sold for 50g 3 separate SFBMS.. so yeah I know what you are talking about :p

(but I also bought 2 for 70g!)
Sockdolager said:
nait I have farmed and sold for 50g 3 separate SFBMS.. so yeah I know what you are talking about :p

(but I also bought 2 for 70g!)

Although, Im guessing that the stats were +7 shadow resist at the time?

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