Don't play wow on apple!

I just want to inform you that apple does not support Blizzard games like wow or warcraft 3 since they are 3d games and the apples are overheated.

Apple does not have a safety device to block the computer from overheating itself when is trying to render a 3d game, especially from Blizzard.

Known issue : during wow or warcraft 3, the apple sistems like laptops will try to overclock in order to have a higher frame rate. This result in damaging the video chipset. Since the chipset is on the motherboard, together with rams, processor , this result in burning the entire laptop.

Blizzard will not cover the damage for the computers.

So I sugest you NEVER play wow or any 3d game on apple.
i have a macbook pro with an 8600m GT

so i'm screwed already, see.

thank you for telling me, now i will make sure to run it at full power until it dies and apple is forced to replace it for having a faulty chipset.
well, i am trying to replace it too, the problem is that there is no section on their websites "replace bad apples" except the section "buy new apple"

anyway, be carefull, the problem occured at a powerbook g4 ... mine, and I checked the net , this problem happened to some other guy at warcraft 3.

probably macbook pro is powerfull enough not to over heat but if you go in wintergasp and the cooler is loud enough to hear it from bathroom, then I don't give to your laptop more than 3 months life
I've played Wow on my old Macbook for the past 1½ year, no problems what so ever.

I think you're doing it wrong.
You kidding? apples are ftw. They have no problems running WoW.
as I said, the thing happened with a powerbook, not a macbook but since lich king and all those super textures, i don't think you will play wow on that macbook for another 1/2 year

I was a fan of apple myself since I am a director/editor and final cut is the best editing program ever... and there are a lot more ... dvd studio pro and sound programs.

but after that apple died I discovered a new world

a world of bad apple

a world were apples burn like burgers for no reason at all

I had a teacher that was selling apple. He once got the latest apple laptop and tried installing win xp on it.

It froze. It never worked again. He just returned it and got another.

And I ve heard a lot of stories about apple that destroy for no reason.

But, luckly, there is the warranty.

Except when it is expired... now, a new gate opens: the gate to the undead land.

The land of damaged apple that will never work. The world of "we can't repair your apple because is cheaper to buy a new one even if the only thing that is damaged is probably the videochipset" and the world or "buy a new mac for just the duble price of an ordinary laptop that is probably better than any mac ever made"

Probably you never did enter that gate. Few people do. And they discover that on the huge site there isn't an email address were you can report your problem.

You were lucky... but luck isn't forevere

Wuahahahaha... whahahahah... haha..ha!

The Black Apple will rise again!
There are a couple of vids I want to embed here into my response but I don't know how to do it >.>

Will embed the videos once someone tells me how.
While I'm a fan of Apples (no more than Vista though), I'll admit their laptops are pretty crap when it comes to overheating.

I've got a G3 iBook that has a permanent red line about 1" long on the screen, because that model has a problem where the GPU overheats to the point it desolders some of it's connections to the motherboard.

A friend of mine with a G4 powerbook managed to fry his RAM and probably a few other things on the motherboard, so the computer just became really unreliable, and could take dozens of attempts just to get the thing to start up. It probably overheated because he always used it sat on top of it's neoprene cover, with the vents at the back partly blocked.

My first Macbook Pro was hot enough to burn you if used as a 'laptop' (Apple stop using the term because they were so hot). Luckily it got nicked, so I got a free upgrade to the next generation ones, thanks to new-for-old insurance.

That new Macbook Pro is a lot better in that you can actually use the thing as a laptop for things like web surfing, but it still had the motherboard fry itself, when I shut the lid and because of a firmware bug it came out of standby, while it couldn't get anyairflow, the lid being closed. Thankfully it was under warranty, as a new motherboard would have cost 1/4 of the original price.

Basically Apple have f***ed up by designing their cooling to fit into the nicely designed cases, without spoiling the design, and limiting it to be as quiet as possible.

I've worked on Mac desktops from the old beige plastic pieces of s*** up to the G3/4 Powermacs (awesome cases for modding, stuffed a PC in one, made another an 8 drive file server. Both my parents have one, as I got sick of fixing their Windows problems), and every single one of the things had a p*** poor cooling solution, not helped by the fact most Mac users never open the cases and clean the dust out of them.

In many ways they're damn good computers, with some good design ideas, but they sacrifice far too much to make them look good.

If you're using a Mac laptop always keep the firmware up to date. Get any toolbar addons you can that will let you crank the fans up to full speed, because the default settings are nowhere near good enough (this is especially the case if you're running Windows, as the Apple provided drivers for it are useless at managing the power usage or controlling the fans properly).

Get the thing a laptop cooler to sit on, or at least raise it up to get some airflow underneath, and never sit it on anything that insulates heat in any way (like on the covers while sat in bed).

You can run WoW on an Apple Laptop, but to stop it crashing from overheating, you'll need to provide extra cooling, as even at full blast the internal fans can't cope with both the CPU and GPU working at load.
[ame=]YouTube - Mac vs PC Parody: The Unspoken Message[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Mac morons can't talk without using their hands.[/ame]

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